Big girls i have a question...

I think I prefer a man with some weight on him. "Skinny" is not an adjective that turns me on. Being fit can be hot, but I don't like the look of being really lean. Bonus points for being tall.
10 years

What's your "spot"?

Neck for sure! But nip me anywhere really and I will melt.
10 years

Being a fat yogi?

I practice yoga and love it. Nobody is "too fat" for yoga. Your body changes and evolves with your practice - holding a certain pose may be difficult initially, but in time you will improve. My suggestion is to start with basic hatha poses and look for a modification move when neccesary. Check out yoga straps and blocks if you need them. Don't give up!
10 years

I want a lesbian

Just adding myself to the lady pond roll call. Hey y'all!
10 years

Central florida

feedee looking for a feeder. not really interested mutual gaining at this time, sorry. I am in central Florida, but you don't have to be! willing to work around distance issues for a good fit. smiley
10 years
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