Why you should choose avocados over heavy cream

It's very popular in these communities for people to use heavy cream as a gaining tool due to how affordable and dense with calories it is, but there is a downside that is not often discussed.

When it comes to energy sources, our bodies love saturated fat. It's often the preferred source of energy in the foods we eat. When we eat foods high in saturated fat (like heavy cream) alongside other foods (like carbohydrates), we will make use of the saturated fat before the glucose.

What this means is that while our bodies are busy making use of the saturated fat, it leaves the glucose in our bloodstream, which causes our blood sugar to stay elevated. This is why saturated fat (yes, even from dairy) is known to increase insulin resistance temporarily. While the effects aren't necessarily the worst in isolation, when you combine a large amount of saturated fat from something like heavy cream with everything else a person might eat on their weight gain journey in a day, it's going to lead to an overall trend of increased insulin resistance and elevated blood sugar, a direct route to diabetes for many.

While I do believe it can be used safely, it can be easy to misuse (especially if you're having it at night before your body has processed the glucose in your body from previous meals).

Avocados on the other hand, contain unsaturated fats and won't inhibit your insulin response in the same way. This also works with all other foods that contain unsaturated fats. While it's still probably not the healthiest thing to eat an obscene amount of avocados in a day, it's less damaging to insulin sensitivity.
1 month

Sumo wrestlers’ daily routine is very helpful to gain weight healthy

I believe this is 100% the best way to achieve subcutaneous fat over visceral fat gains.

People will tell you heavy cream this and that, but it doesn't produce consistent results. The only time-tested consistent method is the sumo wrestler lifestyle.

The reason they say that is because guzzling heavy cream is easier than what sumo wrestlers do. And I know this because every time I suggest it, most people react in disgust.

For those who don't know, it boils down to eating a healthy, high calorie diet and exercise. You don't have to do it exactly the way sumo wrestlers do it. I don't think most can or want to. But if you eat a healthy, high calorie diet and exercise, it's enough.

What happens is the healthy, high calorie diet gives you the nutrition to function and feel great while exercising manages your viceral fat. Since your body burns viceral fat before it burns subcutanous, you can reduce your viceral fat while eating enough to be fluffy.

There are some caveats. You have to keep your calorie intake well above what you burn. For that reason, it's best to do medium to low intensity exercises. Also, if you have a lot of visceral fat, you will not see a significant shift. In my experience as a feeder with a preference for belly heavy men, what usually happens is their round belly gets softer, but there's still a lot of visceral fat under the softness.

I disagree that simply exercising is enough and I say this as someone that has stuck to a clean diet and done consistent "regular exercising" (weight lifting 3 times per week + high intensity cardio ). I still gained plenty of visceral fat in the process.

The key to the Sumo Wrestler success is the intensity and frequency of their exercise.
1 month

Sumo wrestlers’ daily routine is very helpful to gain weight healthy

I believe this is 100% the best way to achieve subcutaneous fat over visceral fat gains.

People will tell you heavy cream this and that, but it doesn't produce consistent results. The only time-tested consistent method is the sumo wrestler lifestyle.
2 months

Easier to be a feedee these days?

I haven't noticed this at all, just look at the WeightGainTalk subreddit and you'll find tons of people apprehensive about judgement.

Weight based discrimination has actually increased over the last few years, despite everyone being fatter on average.

According to this it could be linked to a resurgence in right-wing values but I'm not making that claim myself: bristol.ac.uk/neuroscience/news/2023/obesity-stigma.html
6 months

The struggle of slim feedees

So I’ve recently gotten back into this and I want to gain a lot of weight. The problem is that I want to be encouraged by a feeder girl but it seems like no one wants to help you when you’re first starting out. I love the fit to fat aspect of this but I feel like I’m going to have to prove myself alone and gain weight before anyone takes me seriously. Wish there were more feeders open to male feedees/gainers just starting out.


Those who start at much lower weights, particularly under XL size, will go through a LOT more clothing sizes. 120 to 170 lbs covers a lot more different clothing sizes than say, 200-250, if only because you need so much more weight for each additional inch of size/measurement.

New clothes aren't necessarily the cheapest thing, though this can also depend on personal fashion preference. While less likely than before, some jobs still require suits, and the jobs that do, you probably don't want the cheapest suit available.

Some clothing brands also don't go above 2XL or so.

Other possible additional costs don't stop there, but clothes replacement cost is usually the first thing folks notice. For example, I had to pay around $90 to resize one of my rings. You will have to be careful to avoid furniture that looks like it might be too flimsy.

God this is so true. I went from 135lbs to 215lbs and I had to go from a size Small to a now XL. That was not cheap to do!

I'm glad to hear that the sizes don't shift as easily in the higher weights though, as I'm now back on the gain train and planning to at least hit 250lbs.
6 months

Burried penis...

A few years back I used to chat with a guy who was about 450lbs and gaining, and once he came for me on camera by jiggling and squeezing his fupa. He said he was almost perpetually at half-mast because of all his fat constantly jostling his smothered dick. The only way I could even tell he came was from his high pitched moaning and the little trickle of jizz that eventually seeped out from his flabussy. 🥰

"flabussy" is a new one! my partner calls mine a "fatgina" smiley

i was a thin, fit guy for most of my life. my penis is average length, 6 inches. when i started to get really fat, like over 300 lbs, i was very nervous that the fat accumulating down there was making it look smaller and smaller.

it was something that really concerned me. when it started to really cover i did get worried about the future of my sex life, and how i would experience that kind of pleasure. plus it was a little embarrassing.

in the last few years, now growing to 450 lbs, my fupa (fat upper pubic area) covers my penis even when it's hard. it is totally buried all the time (unless my partner manually pushed the flab out of the way so she can see and access the head).

unlike the guy you mentioned, i can't get off just by moving my fupa. it would be fun to experience, but it just doesn't work for me. penetrative sex with my partner isn't impossible, but it takes so much effort, it is so awkward, and my stamina isn't want it once was, so it's kind of impractical and not really pleasurable. but we've adapted in numerous ways. i've become more of a "bottom" where penetration is concerned, and oral is great - it's even inspired us to explore new ways to derive pleasure from oral, which has been amazing. lately i have been experimenting with multiple orgasms by avoiding stimulation of the penis.

do i miss being able to fuck the traditional way? sometimes. but this has opened up a whole slew of new experiences i would never have explored if i didn't end up in this position.

Christ both of these posts were very hot to read.

Curious to know more about these experiments with multiple orgasms by avoiding stimulation. Does that mean you're able to climax without involving the penis at all?
6 months

Burried penis...

I know this is probably a sensitive topic for some, but I'm really curious to know what it feels like to have a large enough fat pad that it buries your penis.

I'm especially interested in hearing from people who started off thinner and then had it happen to them as they gained.

Would anybody be open to sharing their experience?
6 months

Weight loss rethinking

I'm currently losing weight for surgery.

Never wanted to lose weight and I have to go from fat to barely chubby in the process but I have every intention of gaining it all back and a lot more after I'm recovered.

Losing weight gives me body dysphoric feelings, I'd rather risk the health issues of obesity than not live my life out as fat person.
1 year

Tips on heavy cream

I like to mix heavy cream with a small amount of peanut butter cup flavoured protein powder and dilute the mixture with water to thin it out a bit.

Makes it easier to drink and better tasting.
1 year

You know you're fat when:

when you ask for a fork with your Dominos order and the person at the counter asks "just one?"
1 year
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