"coming out" today...maybe

we'll wait to hear what will be the reaction...surely you'll be finally free....and I'm quite sure your half love and accept your decisione...and share with you! there are high probabilities...I think he already know you and your preference, he has noticed I think
10 years

New say something nice thread!

the best sponsor we could have here for our country!
10 years

"coming out" today...maybe

best wishes for your decision!
10 years

Unexpected weight gain

I agree with you, but I have to said that I 've always had unintentional weight loss and fighting for having a decent weight...so I'm stranged about it because it's the first time on 30 years...
10 years

Getting free to get fat

that's exactly the feeling and situation i'm living and explain in the topic I opened...I'm not the only one
10 years

Unexpected weight gain

Hi all....so, I'm here from a lot of time now...and being attracted day by day more about big and growing girl bodies...As all the opposite attraction, because i'm always been very thin, in my family all people is thin...so I've been focused always about the gain on other people.
But from some months...from october till now i've gained some weight gain, all on my belly, a little gain, but visible on my thin body, it was all unintentional...going from 130 to 145. i'm conflicted about it. From a side I find it not good on my body, from the other side is quite exciting, as a fantasy becoming reality...gaining unintenionally and can't make nothing for stopping this gain!
10 years

People from belgium?

I'm planning a long weekend on Bruxelles next weeks...there is any event or something there?
11 years

Fetlife anyone?

Nick_Mandrake add me
11 years

Lazy lazy lady's

yes, a lazy girl is ideal!!!
11 years

Zombie books...

an expert on zombie theme, ceridwen!
speaking of zombies, I started 'Walking Dead' series some days ago!
11 years