How fat would you like to be?

I also would love to be about 600
6 years

Your stuffing fantasy

My stuffing fantasy is going to become reality tonight. My fiance is going to make a big dinner then take me to her room and feed me four boxes of chocolate doughnut holes and a can of whip cream. She said she wants to see how much my fat belly can take Can't wait!
10 years

Your stuffing fantasy

My nephew says he can eat 50 Chicken McNuggets. My fiance says she can eat 20 White Castle Cheeseburgers. And I want to be stuffed by her till I can't eat another bite. Until we do it. It will be a fantasy
10 years

Your stuffing fantasy

Yes I have shared my fantasy with my fiance an she is eager to make it a reality. When it does, there will be pics
10 years

Does stuffing arouse you?

I have never been truely stuffed before, but the thought does arouse me. I do massage my big fat belly and imagine it becoming so completely stuffed.
10 years

Your stuffing fantasy

My stuffing fantasy is the same as my new fiance's. Her sitting on my lap facing me as I relax on our chase lounge, and she feeding me whayever fattening foods we decide on till I can barely breathe.
10 years
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