Men do not desire fat women

it sounds like you've just got.yourself a pillock.
your a really pretty lass with a beautifull face and its.whats between your ears that make people truely beautiful.
fat or thin that can all change but being beautiful on the inside thats what matters.

chin up loose the few pounds of pillock and you'll soon drop on the person who'll make you truely happy inside and out.

big hugs
6 years

Best approaches for sex - petite female, sbhm

I hope this is the right place to ask this :

So I met this incredible guy, who is about my height, BMI 55, mostly on his beautiful huge soft belly and moobs.

I'm petite (short and slim).

We tried to be intimate and it kind of worked missionary with me on top and then with him on top.

However penetration was not too deep and since it was our first time I didn't want to be too forward and touch /readjust his belly position in case he could get self councious (don't think he realised how much his belly turns me on!!)

Any suggestions on tweaking positions / body parts? Specially for him on top as it's sooo beautiful to get a full view of a BHM? :-)


I'm if similar size and Ive found the best position I enjoy is like doggy style only lady on her side with top leg bent and bottom leg straight so your almost sitting on it. It doesn't matter how big the man's belly is it doesn't get in the way and both of you can see each other and hold whatever you like. I like holding a belly and bum but can also get tits and hair if you like a bit of hair pulling and if your really going for it you can really get a hold of women's hips and leg for really deep thrusting
8 years

Creaking beds

I used small pieces of wood to create extra legs basically. Extra lengths if required and then legs down as required depending on how the bed is. Worked for me.
9 years
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