Secret fa's

I used to hide in shame but I can't be bothered anymore, I am a FA and I love it! smiley
12 years

Valentines day

You and me both, butterfly.... I try to ignore Valentine's at such times. Life is not so bad smiley x
12 years

Favourite album?

fatnclassy wrote:
I'm just going to go ahead and say that I think Revolver is the best Beatles album. Now that we've put that aside my favorites are:

Fleet Foxes: Helplessness Blues
Little Joy: Little Joy
Grizzly Bear: Yellow House

I would have to agree on Revolver. Though I have a soft spot for the Love album, I thought it was beautifully done and got me back into the Beatles after years away...

Others, blimey, that's hard.

The Guillemots: Through the Windowpane
Nick Drake: Pink Moon
Fleet Foxes: Helplessness Blues
Vashti Bunyan: Lookaftering
John Martyn: Solid Air
Kate Bush: Aerial
James Taylor: Sweet Baby James
12 years

Whats turns you off

Have to agree with all of that.
12 years

Hilarious sex

Sex should always be fun, but...

I've never had an experience quite like the time I first had sex with this girl I was seeing about ten years ago. We had had a lovely time out, dinner and stuff, followed by a moonlight stroll... then we got back to mine.

Much passionate foreplay in the hallway. Then the girl ran into my bedroom and jumped on the bed. CRAAACK!! It had splintered quite spectacularly in the middle. We started laughing hysterically and pulling each other's clothes off, then playing matador with her skirt, not quite sure why...

Then the doorbell rang. Almost doubled up laughing, I went to the door with only a t-shirt on my head.

There was a policeman at the door.
12 years

Say something nice...

Enigmatic name, and great Roger Moore impersonation! smiley
12 years

Are you a musician?

SilverRider wrote:
I got a few piano grades when I was younger but have forgotten all that now. I then took up bass but never really seemed to progress much with that... I also sing, and got a gorgeous electro-acoustic guitar for christmas which I can't keep off. I want to some day do some gigs when I feel good enough. I want to be a female Elliott Smith. smiley

Except, please not his ending SR!

I'm a singer-songwriter. I've recorded a bit. I play guitar, bass and ukelele, and the less said about my piano playing, the better smiley
12 years

All the geeks in the house put your put your hands up!

I like Star Wars (the original trilogy I stress!), Star Trek (though not to Trekkie standards). I am big fan of Dr Who, new and old, and yes I consider myself a Whovian (or should that be Whoover?)

12 years

Who are you crushing on?

Only 3... aaargh!



3 is not enough on here! smiley:o
12 years
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