Volunteers for magazine articles needed

Been involved with this sort of these things before, and it NEVER ends well...
8 years

Fetishes apart from fat

I'l admit it: I'm a sucker for English accents, women who can fight (with swords, guns, etc,) and turtleneck sweaters for some oddball reason.
8 years

So what games are you playing?

Anyone ever played Eve Online?

I love me some EVE, but sadly don't have the time to devote to it to be truly badass...

Being truly badass is a serious duty smiley

Indeed, especially in a game universe where you can fly spaceships as long as Manhattan Island...
8 years

So what games are you playing?

Anyone ever played Eve Online? I used to....keep reading the wikis. Avoiding the urge to splurge and get back in there.

So i'm mostly just playing Alien Isolation.

I love me some EVE, but sadly don't have the time to devote to it to be truly badass...
8 years

So what games are you playing?

since there's more than one type of gaming, I'll talk about the three I'm currently busy with:

For my computer/video gaming it's pretty much all League of Legends all the time. They're pretty much hit the right balance between difficulty and fun.

For mobile gaming there's Ingress and then there's everything else. I know that on this forum people may poo-poo a game that actively encourages exercise, but the whole 'capture the flag for people who grew up watching the X-Files' theme of the games makes it impossible to resist!

For the tabletop i'm painting up figures for a fantasy game that I'm writing myself, which I describe as 'RPG lite': lots of mayhem and fun, without all the amateur drama exercises that RPGs have become these days.
8 years

Extreme padding?

I gave this a try last night. nothing fancy, just the stnadard pillows-and-loose-shirt thing (I know, I know. 'pics or it didn't happen'..(fantasyfeeder.com/pics/photo) and then went out for a few activities for the evening.

Needless to say it felt great! I had to make some accomodations (moving back the seat of my car to accomodate my new physique, etc.) but walking around in public was, well, the only word I can use for it is 'sexy'.

There's just one problem: the next time I want to go out like this, I want to be bigger...
9 years


One word: Tokusatsu!

If you know what it means, who know why I geek out over it.

If you don't, well, that's what Google is for, isn't it? smiley
9 years

So what games are you playing?

While I'm a devotred League of Legends player, my current game of obsession is Ingress...And I'm chomping at the bit waiting for World of Warships to go public!
9 years

The official midwestern thread

Southern Wisconsin (i.e. Madison) here as well
9 years

Favorite fast food?

While Culvers is way near the top (I mean Cheese curds, am I right?) I have to admit my fast food drug of choice is still Burger King: Their fries are crispy and they have the best processed chicken chunks out there!
9 years
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