What do you usually notice first?

I get the same cue every time I gain more than 5+ lbs.!

First, my thighs feel more tightly squished together, particularly on the upper back half of them.

Soon after, my butt starts feeling noticeably heavier and with that my lower back muscles will get sore from effort if I walk or stand for too long. It’s the muscle group at the top of my butt where it meets my back, and my recent gain up to 330 means just standing can feel like powerlifting!
4 years

Intentional gaining philosophies

Can you think of any more? Which one are you?

2. Stage by stage -- you gain a certain amount and then re-evaluate, possibly stopping, possibly gaining more.

I started with an initial goal in mind of 265 lbs. because in my fantasies that was the number that correlated with the features I wanted my fat body to have, most of all being a belly hang. I was also comfortable enough with the thought of potentially one day actually being 265 lbs that I was free from any reality-based anxiety getting between me getting off to it.

I hit 265 in the summer of 2016, and I now currently weigh between 325-330. Every extra pound has been wanted and intentional, usually gained in 10-15lb increments over 3-5 months (when the stars of will, ability, and body fat cooperation all align). So yeah, 100% a 2!
4 years

How unhealthy is being an bbw/ssbbw, really?

Smoking weed to gain faster is the most stupid thing I've ever heard. Maybe you get fatter. But perhaps you get cancer too. So it's not worth it.

Statistically speaking, gaining weight is more likely to show up with co-occurring health issues than smoking weed, and more so with non-smokable marijuana products (edibles, tinctures, etc.). Fun fact: Weed is safer than paracetamol.
4 years

Sharing ur experience regarding weed and feederism

I call it “my herbal appetite stimulant” 🤣
4 years

What made you decide to go “all in” ?

What made you decide to just say “fxck it, I’m getting fat!”

And what advice would you give to someone who has a strong desire to gain but is on the fence about it....

Here’s my “origin story” - I hope it helps!

So just for context I’ve been “fatsexual” for as long as I can remember and used to secretly stuff my clothes as a kid, and have always gotten off hardest to me fattening up. I didn’t learn about feedism until I was at university so that’s when I started grappling with my desires vs. my real life. I was in a long term relationship with a dietician (a body positive one, at least!), and quite frankly the idea of intentionally going down that path scared the shit out of me. I tried redirecting my link towards feeding other women but it was an inadequate substitute.

After I split up with the dietician I got on some bbw dating sites and was approached by a feeder (who made himself known by calling me “too thin” in his first message - not a bad tactic btw!). We wound up speaking by phone a few times due to distance, and after a few chats my gut was saying “hell no!”, so I told him I wasn’t ready.

I spent several years in a kind of functional no man’s land between my fantasies and my active lifestyle. I was never thin, usually a small bbw, and I was happy that way. I’ve only ever dated FA’s and gave up on overt dieting in my early 20’s, but exercised fairly regularly and ate pretty healthily (I only see it that way now though). But there was always this unmet need to be adored for my obesity and gluttony by someone who wanted to fatten me just as much as I did.

Then my world got hectic with multiple moves and frequent travelling for work. I’ve kearned I only lose weight accidentally when either locked into my type A professional asskicking mode, or when I’m sad / anxious / neurochemically askew.

I got below 200 lbs for the first time in a decade, and while it was a totally interesting experience to be a size 14 (with a cracking set of legs, to my surprise!), my enjoyment of it was mostly limited to being able to shop at so many clothing stores and walk a fair distance without burning the skin off my inner thighs.
I got a lot more attention from men then, but I was only bemused by it at best most of the time. Who cares if someone is attracted to a version of you that is nothing more than a side effect of stress and unpleasantness?

All in all it took getting “thin” for me to start realising how much fat was already a part of my identity. I also knew the weight loss wouldn’t stick and had no intention of trying to make it. In hindsight I think that comfortably inevitable weight gain played a big role in getting me to the “fuck it, it’s time” moment.

That moment came after a week where my job flamed out, I dumped the loser I’d let glom onto me, I moved my grandma into assisted living, and finally... got the news that my biological father, who I was very close with, had terminal cancer and 18 months to live. That was a couple weeks before thanksgiving, and in that time I decided I’d go to England where he was being treated and would help him as he exited this mortal coil.

Getting that news forced a real carpe diem moment in me, and just as my gut said no to that feeder guy, it said “Yes!!” to having a test run at gaining weight. Both before and during that run I spent a lot of time thinking and feeling my way through it. While I fully intended on letting others think my gain was because of emotional eating, I didn’t want to realise later that I’d been using my kink as if it were a drug to escape and avoid emotional pain. My love for lady fat is one of the purest, happiest desires I have, and I didn’t want to fuck it up by taking it too far and regretting what I’d done. The truth is that acting out any fantasy will have an element of escapism to it, and that wound up being okay for me.

So I started off with a 10 day “gain as much as I can” food bender. I gained 18 lbs. it was EPIC! Then I left it mostly alone while I moved overseas. After the bender I began setting semi-short term weight goals for whatever number felt equally comfortable as it did a rousing to me, usually 10-20lbs at a time. Despite hot furiously I gained at first, I always took time between goals to #1- fully enjoy my progress! #2- check in with myself on all fronts so I could be sure I knew what I wanted and where I stood. I knew if I didn’t listen to my (ever increasing) gut instincts it could all go sour. I didn’t let anyone feed me for several years because I knew how easy it’d be for me to lose myself if I developed feelings for a feedee, and this needed to be *my* thing for only me!

And you know what? It all worked out beautifully ? it turns out that all that introspection was also building up my inner fortitude and self-assuredness. Those are handy things to have when you’re
4 years

Gaining triggering anxiety?

A lot of individuals who decide to document and entertain people about their gaining may feel overwhelmed by the rampant surge of attention their entrance on the feederist stage may cause.

Until then, both you and most of them had to tilt down then hid their fixation or fetish from the rest of society: then suddenly, a herd of anonymous forum-goers seek to approach you, ever encouraging and cheering you up because of the very thing you used to conceal up.

Well this totally nailed it on the head for me. The first couple times I allowed myself to gain a few pounds felt exactly the same as what you described, until one day, several years down that road I decided to go for it. I haven’t had anxiety about any of the weight I’ve gained since then. I went from under 200 to over 300 and may gain more still, but every step of the way I’ve done it in whatever increments have felt beat to me at those times.

I have to add that the fringe benefits of having learned to listen to myself through those years and now have been insanely immeasurably good for me! Along with 100 lbs I also gained a huge amount of inner strength and fortitude, and I got to get fat with conviction and that has made everything both easier and more enjoyable than I ever had imagined.

Best of luck on your journey, whichever way it takes you!
4 years

Outgrowing a fetish

I can relate! Though I don’t describe my experience as “growing out of it”, because for me it was about how my fetish expressed itself (and fuck it’s weird referring to a fetish in the third person! But too lazy to edit).

I thought I had a pregnancy kink when I was on my teens, that I realised later was actually a feedee fetish. I call it a fetishise because it’s pretty much integral to my sexuality, and has been since I discovered feedism and the *kaching!* moment happened for me.

But prior to that all I knew was that I got off on the thought of my belly growing, and the idea of intentionally gaining weight was so far fetched it never occurred to me - I was in and out of an eating disorder at the time ffs! (And oh how things do change! Lol). The pregnancy thoughts were just the most accessible, and they were weird to me but comparatively non-threatening. After my “ah-ha” moment (thanks to good old yahoo groups! Amiright, old schoolers? 😉👍🏼smiley, I still struggled to come to terms with what I had learned about myself. I tried to carry on the preggo-based fantasies at times and eventually got zero satisfaction from them, and still don’t.

Not sure how relevant it is, if at all, but I did the clothes stuffing thing as a kid too 🤷🏻‍♀️
4 years

How big is your belly ?

3 years ago I got 77%

Today I got 65%

But we weren't really claiming science on this one anyway, right?? lol smiley
5 years

Any girls here think like this?

Fuck yes. Before I came out of the pantry I was perved out and fascinated by a friend's 280 lb belly that every time I sat squished in next to her in rear car seats or on crowded couches I'd get so nervous I'd freeze up and get so distracted I'd get tongue tied. And I am NOT the tongue tied type!

But the full story is that I love lady bellies like I do because I love having, experiencing, and ultimately growing *my* belly, and the bellies I most enjoy are ones that I could see myself growing to resemble. I joke that it's more narcissism than gay lust, but I'm a little gay so it's also a little gay lust, lol. But mostly it's, at it's core, me fantasising about being like them in any number of ways. This is why my Tumblr is what it is... www.tumblr.com/blog/voluptuousvagabond
5 years

Be carefull with what you wish for

I was more than baffled to hear that. I didn't really expected that and honestly don't know what to make of it. She seemed allways between mildly and medium annoyed of her growing size or indifferent aout it..

Just a bit of insight on this from the female side, although I doubt all men would find themselves exempt or immune from this experience, which I didn't grasp the full profundity of until I started overriding this element of social programming: If you life in a pro-diet culture, like I have in the USA and UK, it's commonplace conversation for people to criticise their bodies and weight. Among women it's assumed that we all hate something about our bodies, and usually it's how much we weigh, and since everyone is assumed to have that in common there are few barriers to stop people from inserting it into conversations, and then the norm and expectation is that everyone else join in and agree that they also are too fat and don't like their bodies as they are.

The first time I acknowledged my fatness in a non-critical way around some female coworkers it was palpably awkward for them that I'd fucked up their usual script. Because, "I'm so fat" remarks acts as a prompt for others to say "no you're not!", that's what they all did. The concept that I was cool with it didn't register until I'd done it another couple times. I'm better at it now, probably because I'm 300lbs. now and to tell me, "you're not fat" makes us both look silly, but when the first mention of dieting or body bashing comes up, which it did when I started a new job, and it's my turn to join in, I say lightheartedly that I'm currently entirely cool with being fat as fuck like I am. I also chuck in something supportive if they're on a diet because it's not like I'm being standoffish, I'm just not participating,

What I'm getting at with all that, is that it's entirely possible that your girlfriend likes the new weight even though she's said the opposite! Btw, that pressure for girls to say they're fat and hate it is even stronger towards men sometimes. Don't take it personally, but I would take the hint from her friend that you might want to make it clear that you think she's an elegant fat panther too 😉
If she's happy about that then my guess is that she'll start to change what she says about herself when she's with you, and if she's anything like me then one day she'll completely lose the ability and/or will to pretend for the sake of the herd... time will tell, but don't let the doublespeak confuse you in the meantime!
5 years
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