Dealing with the 'looks'

I tend to take one of two routes.

If my weight gain is mentioned by someone else first, I laugh it off with a dismissive comment that can be as simple as, "I know, right?!" I was also living with an ailing relative when I gained most of my weight, so I often used the joke that as he lost weight, I found it.

My strategy with friends and family is to bring it up first, usually in a very casual and very quick way, such as, "obviously I've gained some weight recently, but [it doesn't bother me]!" Or something to that effect. Sorry my examples aren't more detailed, and I hope this makes some sense or is at least somewhat useful.

I agree with Thorndown about not making excuses, simply because I've found that people think they have a right to comment or criticise when they feel you're unhappy. That's when the, "I'm doing you a favour" mindset kicks in. By letting people know I'm comfortable, either by saying so or reacting in a totally comfortable, accepting way when they bring it up, does a surprisingly good job at putting an end to those "helpful" comments!
9 years

Dating a non-feedist

Goodness, yes. All the time! The other thing I'm prone to doing is testing the waters in horribly awkward ways. Even now I'm conversing with a long term (and currently long distance) casual romance of mine that I'll be seeing when I visit America next month, and just today I asked him, "how do you feel about bellies?" Lol! For the record, he's too busy looking at a$$ to care much about them. A sad failure, and he's an FA to boot!

So I guess that illustrates it pretty well. I can date an FA. Really, I don't date guys who aren't at least proud FA's, so I don't imagine I'll ever feel the need to hide how much I love being fat. But my fatsexuality primarily expresses itself through how much I love/need my fat to be enjoyed for the abundant squishy goodness it is, much more so than a consistent fantasy about gaining. Although that component is always present, and I'd really like to date someone who shares this fetish so I can have both of those needs fulfilled! That, and non-fetish FA's rarely seem to be into belly rubs smiley

On the note of "fatsexuality," I agree wholeheartedly! Which makes me sad, in a way, because the more I explore my relationship with my fetish/sexuality, the more I realise how unavoidably important it is, and how many great guys it may be ruling out as potential matches. I don't know if I'll continue to make the kind of effort I am now to be with a fellow feedist in the future, as I would like to have a family, etc., and that may not be possible if I only consider being with someone who shares this fetish.
9 years


LilRascl wrote:
Mine is basically FA fun, plus a dash of feminism and anything I think is cool, and occasionally taking the piss out of the weird nature of the tumblr "community"... Those wacky kids smiley


Correction! Okay, actually it's an update. New tumblr URL =

It's really neat reading through these and realising how many of you I already follow! It's nice to put a face to all you lovelies who help me waste my time so effectively and enjoyably smiley
9 years

Scared to gain?

I wouldn't say that I used to worry about this, but I was certainly aware of the repercussions my weight might have on my relationship options in the future. This was at a time when I was well aware of my fetish, but unwilling to consider actually gaining.

Now, several years and a lot of [intentional] pounds later, my biggest fear isn't finding a relationship in general; it's that I won't find the right relationship.

The funny thing is that what I want now is the same as what I wanted when I was a thinner, non-practicing feedist. I want someone who loves me fat and is aroused by the idea of me getting fatter (ish. I'm about as fat as I want to be now). The only difference is that now men can see my love of fat. I wear it every day!

Because of this I feel like I actually have a better chance of finding the FA of my dreams. And hopefully the confidence I've gained in regards to my fetish and my fat body will exude strongly enough to lure said dream FA right to me... smiley
9 years

Souther california meet up?

Can we/you/whoever takes the lead on this, host it sometime in mid-April? I'll be there for a visit then! Not to imply I'm important enough to plan around, of course smiley LA is my actual home, and I'd be totally down for a fatty/FA's night out!
9 years

Why are you on ff??????

c00kie wrote:
I am here for science!

Also to perv... but thats really just a small thing. FOR SCIENCE!

Same! Seriously, science smiley

(...and boys smiley)
9 years

Fitty smalls - muffin top

I have officially renamed my belly "Fluffy McMuffy"
9 years

Exotic, fast fattening foods

Tacos! Get corn tortillas and fry the shell, use oily marinades for the meat and grill it to perfection. Avocado is nicely fattening, too. For fried corn tortilla tacos, look up authentic recipes. There's a shrimp (camaron) version I've had where the shrimp is chopped up and mixed with creamy awesomeness, then packed into the tortilla tightly and the whole thing is dunked in a deep fryer. As I'm writing this I'm realising how impractically difficult this recipe may be (especially without a deep fryer), but I couldn't help losing myself in a moment of food porn.

Elanor hit the nail on the head with pasta.
9 years

Fifty shades of fat?!

You know what's funny? There's research being done that I recently took part in. The end result of the research? It's going to be a book.

Luckily(/sadly?), none of the questions she asked me provided any content that would be the least bit salacious. Looks like we'll be relegated to the academia section long before the hot-housewife-fanfic(-riddled-with-abuse-disguised-as-kink-to-propagate-a-misogynistic-social-agenda... or at least that's what I've heard, lol)

On a serious note, though, can someone explain to me how 50 Shades of Gray relates to Twilight?
9 years

Bbw bashes - fun or meatmarket

SilverRider wrote:
defo meatmarket !

Uh.. Is this a completely bad thing?
9 years