
Close to immobility is a bit of a grey area for me. We all know that true immobility is when you can't walk, standing would cause too much stress on your legs so you are essentially bedbound. But close to immobility could be considered the stage:
>When you can only walk for 50 yards before needing to rest
>When you can only waddle for 25 yards before you need a lie down and a cold drink
> When you can't get up, of a couch or the floor, without aid/ extreme difficulty
>When you can only waddle 10 yards aided to the car or wheelchair/scooter

It's the difference between a spritely 500lb-er going to the store for snack and a 700lb-er only able to go to the kitchen, rest, grab a snack, rest, return.
14 years

Metalheads unite!

Over the last year I've been exploring some of the heavier stuff. I heard The Berzerker in a club and thought it was class so I kept my ears out for some similar stuff. Since then I've been enjoying Mortician, I'm a horror fan so I really like how they incorporate sound clips, Waking the Cadaver, Cemetery Rapist and Spermswamp. Its not for everyone but I'm enjoying the unintelligable growls.
15 years

Feeders or encouragers out there... do you prefer thin, chubby, or fat to start with?

canafeed wrote:
I don't generally like incredibly big women

Definitely heavier maybe around 300 - 350lbs because I'm pretty fond of incredibly big women.

BlimpCityFeeder wrote:
I would go with #3, as the potential may truly show...
Someone heavier already has experiences from others and family as far as their weight is concerned as opposed to going into shock and or reconsidering.
Someone heavier, you can sense where their true feelings are in a short period of time as opposed to someone lighter who is open until hardships, expenses become a factor etc.

BlimpCityFeeder makes some excellent points. Many feedees think they like the idea of being fat but there are so many factors that can change their mind once they try to actualize it. Friends and family already know that a 300lb girl is fat and if she gets fatter then I feel that many are unsurprised. However a thin girl becoming chubby then fat for some reason attracts attention. Friends and parents that were comfortable with someone one way may become uncomfortable with them another. This can lead to parental intervenning and social pressure to lose the weight. This is another good reason for a heavier feedee for if they did start out thin and gained then they've already seen off the adversity and persevered, which is very attractive.
15 years

Gaining, keeping weight on

The trouble you're experiencing is probably to do with your bodies expectations. Try upsetting your bodies normal routine. I've heard the best way to gain weight is to try and eat nothing during the first half of the day. Absolutely no breakfast, your metabolism thrives on it, then in the evening, as late as possible, eat all you can. Don't eat too fast, try and spread it out over a couple of hours that way you'll be able to fit more in. Having a huge amount of the food in the evening is as good as eating in your sleep.

Also try eating less every second day. Gorge one day; fast the next. You need to persuade your body to store fat rather than burn it. Nuts are a great source of good fats and will still make you put on weight like animal fats. Don't neglect your carbs remember pasta is great for weight gain, if you eat it in large amounts.

You might also want to try actually setting an alarm to get up in the middle of the night to have a big snack and then go back to bed stuffed. Your body wouldn't know what hit it.
16 years
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