I read about someone who let his FUPA do it for him. It would rub so much, he got hard and ejaculated right in his pants as he was walking. Now THAT’S a fantasy I could live with!
Getting off just by walking is a fantasy that just blows my mind *every* time.
That's what I just dreamt about - the bottom of my extremely huge belly caressing my cock with each step. Must be way too hot to feel that for real, but I'm sure it must be not that rare along super fat feedee guys.
7 months
I started heavily snoring and having sleep disturbance and sleep apnea right after I gained over 104kg. Just got a CPAP at 116kg now and it's really needed to get a good night's sleep. So it seems for some people it's directly related to getting fatter. I'm still trying to accept it more.
1 year
Thanks again for the Zinc L Carnosine recommendation. Pretty good paper that shows this should be perfectly safe.
Found it labelled just as such - the "gastric soothe" ones seemed to be a wider combination - but careful not to pick the natural L-Carnosine, which is not the same compound.
I'll try it instead of my usual *prazole, will be amazing if this keeps the acids at bay just as well.
2 years
TheWickedOne:I highly recommend zinc L carnosine (also sold as gastric soothe on Amazon).
I had a stomach ulcer years ago (overuse of NSAIDS) and proton pump inhibitors (omeprazole, proliosac) fucked me up. They actually make it so that your body is no longer able to produce the acid that breaks down food in your stomach. It may cause temporary relief, but these meds can cause long term damage that can mess up your digestive system.
Japan has been using zinc l carnosine with great success for over 20 years.
More info here: vera juice is also great for instant relief from heartburn.
That sounds like something to try! I've started taking Lansoprazole long term for acid reflux largely caused by a displacement of a part of the stomach tract and the med worries me, despite the doc assuring it's fine even for long term. Still wondering about that tho...
2 years
I worked in an office environment for many years with mostly women. It was a joy to watch new hires (mainly young women) blow up virtually before my eyes.
I didn’t really start gaining until I retired. Eating to cure boredom works great!
You're making me miss having an office haha! (Remote worker here)
I had one job at which I was told people usually gain weight when they join. The fact I was often walking to my desk with a plate full of baked goods in the morning left not much doubt of that...
2 years
As amazing as websites catering to FF specifically are, I'm finding myself increasingly attracted to reactions of "regular" people to noticing "wtf this one is so fat".
One way I've found is setting my profile pic on Tinder or so to a photo with an outfit obviously outlining every fat roll, but that's not the place where you'd get random comments for it, as sexy as it is to imagine their faces on seeing that.
People are usually quite vocal when they see someone fat, so I wonder if anyone knows of a suitable medium to almost bait out such extreme reactions?
2 years
I may check the Bluetooth one linked above too. I bought two - a Nokia Bluetooth scale and one called Accuscale or something. It's from unreliable to more unreliable :/
5 years
I keep gaining very steadily, but Christmas is the time when I consistently end up bloated and gain more. It's exciting to think how no matter how fat you think you've got, it's going to be significantly more by the time the holidays are over.
I wish we did something like the mentioned Egg nog, sounds wonderful to just keep a belly not ever shrinking down to normal.
6 years
Sounds wonderful, can't attend though. Have fun, and food, if they're not already inter-changeable.
9 years
Haha, I've been told I have a bubble-butt even before I had gained much. Basically this...

I like that it has got bigger but I quite enjoy seeing it in far fatter versions on girls too
9 years