Hose chugging?

When it comes to bigger amounts you should take care about water poisoning.
Since I reached the 3L level I simply have a big meal an hour or so before chugging, that limits the (water-)capacity smiley
8 years

Hose chugging?

That's really easy - just try!
Dismount the shower's head so that the hose is open ended.

Then let the water flow slowly - adjust the temperature rather too low than too high.

Start drinking from it - and increase the flow slowly until you reach the point where you don't have to chug any more, it simply flows down smiley

It's really great fun - don't forget to weight before/after to measure how much you could chug! smiley
8 years

Opening throat?

simply try that: drink from the shower hose and slowly increase the flow while chugging. Try letting more and more time (water) flow between actively chugging. You'll reach a point where it just flows down automatically and you don't have to chug any more -> then your throat is open. (I do this sometimes - it's great fun and filling up quite well smiley )
8 years

Technically bloating but help please

what do you use for eating/bloating?

Try to reduce your milk/sugar intake. Most adults have trouble digesting this stuff in higher quantities...
8 years

Hurt by stuffing

Did you ever hurt/rupture/... yourself due to stuffing or drinking too much?

Do you know somebody to whom/who (reliably) something like this happened?

If yes: how did it happen, and what happened?

Would be interesting to have some serious facts how safe/unsafe our "hobby" here really is.

Thanks for your input smiley
8 years

Funnel feeding

Sometimes did this myself with jogurt after meals - but not for gaining, just for bloating/stuffing smiley
8 years

Anfängerin (feedee)

Hi Susi,

if it's online, then we can write and exchange our experience there.
I'm more the fan of stuffing (as you can guess from my user name) - but enlarging the capacity and ability to eat is the first step to higher calory count per day and gaining.

Ganz liebe Grüße und bleib Gesund!
9 years

How to increase belly capacity

Would chugging air to extend the stomach help?

What I want to try is to gulp down air at first to extend the stomach - and then trying to replace it by water (letting the air out, chugging quickly so that the stomach is same extended again)

Then the eating could begin: while the water makes its way down smiley it should be possible to eat to stay full over some hours.

Looking forward to testing if I can eat more this way - did anyone already try or someone wanting to try, too?
9 years

Post christmas dinner stuffing

Yes - already did that last year, seeing how much difference it makes on the scale over the day+night smiley
9 years
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