Anyone know a diet good for getting fatter?

I mean... the broadest sense of the word, if you consume sustenance, you are on a diet.

Well, by that definition, EVERYONE is on a diet, and being on a diet doesn't mean anything!

That said, weight gain diets have always been popular with certain flavors of feedists.

Quite true.

If I'm going to seriously try to answer the OP, I'd say choose a diet with LOTS of variety. That stimulates the appetite.

And don't do junk food exclusively. Eat one healthy meal a day and spend the rest of the day doing Dr. Feeder Challenges. smiley

The Dr. Feeder Challenge:
1 month

Anyone know a diet good for getting fatter?

I've always thought part of the fun of getting fat was that you DON'T have to diet!

But you do you.
1 month

How do you guys improve your social skills?

Throw parties!

That might sound impossible at this point, but it isn't. Start small, maybe with people as socially challenged as you are.

You will find that nearly all the steps involved in planning and execution of a party will exercise and develop your social skills.
1 month

Always “feedee” rarely “foodie”

I think most of the online feedee stuff is heavy on fantasy, so there's a focus on feedees stuffing on the most fattening food around.

Real life is bound to be different.
2 months

I found the most delicious gainer shake, but now i’m afraid to order it.

What I say to nosy questions:

"Why do you ask?"

However they answer that, respond by saying "have a nice day" as you walk out the door.
2 months

If you search for "feedee" on tiktok...

It is. Do you know how a lot of skinny mukbangers stay slim while eating all that food? Spoiler. It's not by exercising.

You assume they're bulemic? Certainly possible, but it's also possible that most days they don't eat much. That's what they tend to claim anyway.
2 months

If you search for "feedee" on tiktok...

Morbidly A Beast:
Tik Tok and instagram totally have feedist content. Not sure what that’s from

They still have feedist accounts and pics and everything, but if you search on the term "feedee" that's what you get. At least that's what I got!
2 months

If you search for "feedee" on tiktok...

I wish there was a way to push back! But I don't know, does anyone on this site happen to think feedism IS an eating disorder? Of course, they aren't mutually exclusive: someone can be a feedee AND have an eating disorder. But to tar all feedees with the eating-disorder brush is extreme.
2 months

If you search for "feedee" on tiktok...

Instagram will remove feedism content if reported as an eating disorder. I get protecting children from sexual content but adults shouldn’t be censored.

So there are people on Instagram who go around reporting feedism content as an eating disorder? And Instagram summarily gets rid of it? Interesting.
2 months

If you search for "feedee" on tiktok...

Apparently they've decided feedism is an eating disorder! Thoughts?
2 months
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