Waxing/waning desire to be fat

It's easier to gain than lose. Unless you stick with losing, your fat side is going to win. If so, you might as well enjoy it! Eat all you want!
13 years

Las vegas bbw bash: for feeders and feedees

Just keep it relaxed and non-creepy, and do it every year. It will build.
13 years

To gain or not to gain

xchunkymonkeyxx wrote
So is it fun being fat?

Only if you share lots of pics and videos of your gain on this site.

xchunkymonkeyxx wrote
Should i go for it?

See previous answer.

xchunkymonkeyxx wrote
My friends have already started to comment on my gain.

What have they said?
13 years

City island - fa/feeder positive movie

Not a great movie...tolerable, I guess.

I thought the portrayal of feeding was a bit off, though I don't know how they could improve it much and still have it fit with the rest of the movie.
14 years

Suggestions to encourage a feedee

Your bf should make sure you ALWAYS have large quantities of goodies on hand.

There should be a wide variety of goodies.

There should be plenty of fattening ones, and lots of liquid calories--milkshakes are particularly good. (Sodas are very fattening but really unhealthy, I'd avoid those).

Don't try to force yourself to the point of being completely stuffed (unless, on occasion, you feel like it). Instead just get into the habit of snacking frequently.

You may not gain much at first, but keep it up.

Your boyfriend should keep tabs on which goodies disappear the quickest, and make sure to replace them quickly, especially the more fattening ones.

Your boyfriend should monitor your gain and praise and reward you for each new pound, each new inch. Rewards may include your preferred sexual favors.

And of course, the gluttony pledge may help: fantasyfeeder.com/cms/forum/viewthread.php
14 years

Are we shallow?

If all you care about is a person's weight (be it thin or fat) you're shallow.

If, on the other hand, you care about the whole person, Dr. Feeder gives you permission to prefer certain sizes without being shallow.
14 years

Conflicted about gaining- also posted on dimensions

It is very common to be conflicted. You may always be conflicted, at least to some degree.

But you should make up your mind.

Either get fat or stop gaining.

If you can't decide, don't gain anymore until you do decide.
14 years