Out of control?

luvpears wrote
One of my biggest turn-ons is if a woman's outta control with her eating. Have yet to find that.

I got a letter from someone like that recently:

14 years

Out of control?

feederism_ftw92 wrote
Personally, I have a high metabolism which makes it really hard for me to gain weight even if I try.

It's true that some people find it really hard to gain and don't even dream that getting too big could be a problem.

But metabolisms slow down as you get older. And appetites can increase, especially if you overeat frequently.

Also, you may find a feeder who makes gaining much easier than you ever dreamed!

All I'm saying is, stuff happens.
14 years

Out of control?

Of course there's a risk you'll get bigger than you want. That may happen even if you don't gain intentionally! Don't believe me? Just go to a Weight Watchers meeting. It will be full of people who are bigger than they want to be--and most of them never gained on purpose.

The advantage you have over those Weight Watchers is you actually want to be fat--so you can get bigger than many of them can without being bigger than you want.

The disadvantage you have is that you love gaining and you may grow to love it even more. You may find it difficult to stop.

I'd say take it slow. Figure out the maximum weight you're comfortable with and plan on stopping well before that amount, leaving yourself some wiggle room in case you overshoot.

There's still some risk, of course. But there's risk to almost anything worth doing. It's your call.
14 years

America's obesity epedemic, whats are your thoughts about it?

It does cause problems, of course. But it sure makes it a good time to be an FA!
14 years

Writing erotic weight gain stories

Don't scrap anything. If you have a different idea for the way your story might go, copy the file to another name. E.g., if your story is called "Cupcake.doc", make a variant called "Cupcake2.doc" and work on that one. Go back to "Cupcake.doc" if you decide that was acutally the better idea.

I often end up with five or six story files, only one of which I actually use.

My stories are at www.geocities.com/feedswomen if you want to read them.
15 years


I don't think it has much to do with financial gain; I think it's mainly due to feedees gradually coming out of the closet and posting pics of themselves. There was a slow chain reaction--the more who came out of the closet and posted pics, the more who were inspired to do the same, until now there are quite a lot of them.

It was also helped by fantasyfeeder and curvage. These are much better than their primary predecessors, Dimensions and the yahoo groups. Dimensions has never been completely comfortable with feeders and feedees (even the "Weight Room" had to be split up into three subgroups!) And yahoo groups keep going stagnant and spam-choked; you always have to find new ones, and most of them are awful!

Fantasy Feeder an unabashed feeder site, didn't have to worry so much about offending anti-feederites--why come to ff in the first place if you're anti-feeder? And that "Fantasy" in the title made it more comfortable for people just getting their feet wet.

Anyway, more and more people have been out about this (some faceless, some not) and in the last year it's really snowballed.

That's my take on it anyway.
15 years

It's fun to get fat!

Does it keep getting more fun as you get fatter or stay the same?
15 years