The typical "i wish my girlfriend would get fat/fatter" scenario

It won't work--you can temporarily delude people with hypnosis, but you can't make them do something they normally wouldn't do. You can't make them murderers for example.

But even if you could do it, you're right: it's completely unethical. It's her body, and her decision to gain or not to.
15 years

Foods that aren't filling but have a lof of calories? can drink more calories in liquid form than sold form. Think milkshakes!
15 years

What to do about parents

Try to respect the fact that your parents are concerned about you and want what's best for you; it's just that in this case you disagree about what's best.

I had a similar problem with my Dad once when I was about 20. He kept wanting me to do something and wouldn't let up until I said: "I know you love me and want what's best for me, and I appreciate that. But I just don't agree on what's best. And it's my decision."

He still wasn't happy, but he quit bugging me!
15 years

Muffin tops -?

GcupBeauty has an amazing one:

15 years

No subject

lovely_plumper wrote:
but sometimes I feel guilty when I don't gain and overeat does that work >.< I feel like a failure at these points

Remember, it's not a race! If you don't feel like eating that much some days, don't. You'll enjoy it that much more when you start stuffing yourself again!
15 years

No subject

To quote from "Deciding to Get Fat"

You like fattening food. Your favorite foods just happen to be laden with calories and you're tired of passing them up all the time. Wouldn't it fun to always order dessert when you go to a restaurant? Or even have an extra dessert? Once you've decided to get fat, you can have all the fattening goodies you want.
You like to overeat. Obviously, if you decide to get fat you can overeat as much as you want. And once you get fat, your capacity will increase, allowing you to overeat even more.
You're tired of feeling guilty. If you're trying to keep your weight down and failing, you will feel guilty over your weakness, your inability to control your appetite. But if you decide to gain, there's suddenly nothing to feel guilty about.
If you gain weight, it's not a sign of failure, it's a sign of success!
If you eat more than you planned, it's not a sign of weakness, it just means that you're getting good at this.
You hate dieting. If you decide to get fat you never have to diet again. In fact, you really shouldn't diet again. If you have the idea in your mind that you might diet at some point, it will undermine your decision to gain, and invite guilt (see previous point). There's no sense in getting fat if you're going to feel guilty about it.
Your significant other wants you to gain. This is not a good reason to gain by itself, but if you want to gain anyway, why not enjoy it?
You find it erotic. Of course, this is one of the main reasons people gain on purpose. If you feel that way, you already understand it better than I could ever explain. If you don't, you probably never will.
15 years

I seriously need help with this

soundedmind wrote:
Where would I even begin to find someone for him?

Have him put up a fantasy feeder dating ad. He's looking for a dominant feeder.
15 years

Do you like it when people notice?

Lexy wrote:
i want to see if we might have the same interests without seeming weird if it sounds crazy to her so i thought her reaction might tell me something

Put your computer where she'll see it, then go away with your computer "accidentally" left on and your browser on the Fantasy Feeder main page. (Or or

Then it'll be up to her to say something.
15 years

Do you like it when people notice?

Lexy wrote:
anyway at what point can or should i say something encouraging or teasing? just ignore it?

What is your goal here?
15 years

Rambling :p

Check out my article "Deciding to Get Fat" at
15 years