Gaining wait is expensive

Hi guys just a question from a broken student who is new to all that, do you have any tips on how to gain weight when you don’t have that much money for all of it? I would really like to finally gain more weight I really enjoy food and stuffing myself to be full to the point where it hurts my belly

Pasta is a good cheap source of calories. Have it cold with oil rich dressings in the summer, have it warm with cream, cheese and butter based toppings in the cooler months.

Always try but in bulk. I don’t know about where you are but larger uk supermarkets usually stock 3-5kg bags of penne fusilli and spaghetti on lower shelves.
2 years

Feeder audio

Theres quite a bit on soundcloud. Search feedee
2 years

How much weight have you gained in 2021?

Sadly, due to stressful year she was down a pound on NYE am. A really big chinese buffet stuffing with friends on NYE had her even on Jan 1st. Here’s hoping for a better 2022.
2 years

Add capcha for account creation and possibly also login

Hi Hiccupx,

Thanks for getting back to me, and glad to hear this is something you and the team are looking into.

Another option might be 2FA, either via emailed code or a third party authenticator.

Thank you for the work you and the FF team are doing to provide a safer online space for us all.

I’m currently doing a build of a social project and have faced similar issues. 2FA can be scripted as the spammer simply scripts the response required to whatever email they create.

Re captcha, there are bots that already defeat a great proportion of google and hcaptcha.

I must admit it is annoying when you get marketing bots pushing yachts etc on the forums or the occasional stray message but it’s not that frequent and the paywall seems to stop mass dming fairly well.

Might be worth having a flag count to create a posting/messaging hold until review of flag, but that could quickly spiral in to a time consuming task.

Marketeers are a vile breed!
2 years

Gainer encouraging jobs

Looking to get into a good job that assists in my goals of gaining. Im 19, due to being homeschooled I haven't actually had a real "job" before, what are some entry-level places that would help me get nice and fat?

Coding. Learn to code. Even better, if you're in education consider computer-science so you have a firm grasp on the field and a good career path.

Data science is also useful for a good career.

There’s nothing physical in either sector (which are very linked) and eating and being sedentary will not hinder your work.

The skills you learn from entry level carry through not just corporately but in to self employment and generally you can expect a well paid career which leaves money for food and healthcare.
2 years

Rent a yacht in france

How can I get the info about a rent Yacht in the French Seaside? Can you help me find a good deal?

Wha!? This is the weirdest place to find something like this.
2 years

Question for those more science minded

I am looking into heavy cream, and boy does it have a lot of calories. Now, buying it *consistently* may be an issue monetarily, but if I were to, say, by a carton or two and drink those calories in a day, what do yall think the effects would be? Good gains? Or too many side effects to warrant it?

Best spread it out. A lot of the calories held in the lipids will likely just pass through you if you just bomb half a gallon in 12 hours. Cream freezes and can be added to lots of stuff. If you’re trying to manage it for financial purposes, try freezing it in an ice cube bag/tray and adding it to smoothies, sauces, cakes etc as you make them.

Chugging a load of cream quickly will also likely result in a bit of an upset gut, especially if you’re not used to it.
2 years

What is your height?

He: 5’10 by the time i go to bed.

She: 5’4 (had to check and double check as I grew up in a metric, communist world)
2 years

How can i get a jigglier hanging belly?

Anonymous Feedist:
Thanks! Will give that a shot! Follow up sound like the hang comes from losing 15%, does gaining and losing repeatedly do anything to increase the hang? Like does it increase each time?

I think it did in my case. I lost a little over 100 lbs for ankle surgery and when I regained the weight I ended up with a lower belly that was flabby whereas I didn't have it prior to the weight loss.

The wife yoyos quite a bit and she is definitely getting a lower and lower overhang with each cycle. Not even with big losses like ditzy, just 20lbs down 25up 20 down 25 up so a total 18month gain of 10lbs but a good inch extra at the bottom of the belly.
2 years

Resuming weight gain

Hi Everyone,

It has been quite a while since I was on here. I quit my prior job due to stress and burnout and was unemployed for a while. I'm working again and have managed to pull off a career change into another sedentary field.

Now that I'm back on track, I'm ready to start gaining again. Unfortunately, my set-point wasn't anywhere near as high as I expected it to be. From my high of 295 pounds early this year, I have dropped back down to 215 pounds.

This is ridiculous. I know I'm a hard gainer, but I really was hoping that my weight would have stabilized somewhere closer to my 295 pound peak. Oh well, at least I get to enjoy the gaining process for a longer period of time. On top of that, I won't need to do a wardrobe change for a while.

I start gaining today. I like to have my gaining cycles coincide with my supplement cycle, but this first one is going to be short just because I'm halfway through my supplement cycle. As before, I'll post updates once a week. Wish me luck!

Good luck and welcome back!
2 years
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