For all my girls out there!

If you want a lot of cellulite and soft fat. Make sure to eat a lot of trans fat!

All for fat girls and gaining. My suggestion would be do it in the least unhealthy way and therefore I do not agree with the trans fat recommendation.
1 year

For all my girls out there!

If you want a lot of cellulite and soft fat. Make sure to eat a lot of trans fat!

All for fat girls and gaining. My suggestion would be do it in the least unhealthy way and therefore I do not agree with the trans fat recommendation.
1 year

How much have you gained in quarantine?

Wow, here I thought my 25 lb was a lot 😁

25 lb of pure beauty.
3 years

Has anyone spoken to a therapist about this kink?

I realise this isn’t exactly a sexy post but I also don’t have m(any) people I can discuss this with irl.

I’m sure we all have times when we can feel this fetish dominating our life and feel a bit powerless towards it. I don’t have other kinks so I’m not sure how comparable it is but it feels a little different to most of them.

Has anyone got tips for how to manage it so it doesn’t encroach into other areas of your life? Or has anyone brought this up with a professional to hear their take on it?

Definitely not the sexiest post, haha. Yeah, I think that’s a core feature of this particular fetish - all of the paradoxes. You want to keep it under control, but at the same time, are intrigued by the idea of losing control. You want to hide it, but also yearn to have other people know - perhaps under temporary controlled conditions (which probably isn’t possible in real life - once someone else knows, they couldn’t just forget and move on). I’ve not talked with a therapist about this, though I have seriously thought about it, just to see how they would classify it. An eating disorder? A niche sexual fetish? Who knows?

Still considering how I’ve talked to about 150 feedees over the years, and nearly all of them expressed how they go through phases of being disgusted with themselves (or they just disappear) topics like this don’t come up enough.
Most of us have no one to relate to or speak about this with because of fear of extreme judgment even though we obviously never asked for it - and would trade it for normal sexuality if we could.
I mean I can’t imagine being as turned on by regular size women and sex... that would make life so much more enjoyable.

The other issue is the morality of it. If you introduce the fetish to your partner then Even if they’re willing to gain a bit you’ll feel morally wrong by doing so, but even if they have a feedism kink I still feel like I’m encouraging extremely unhealthy lifestyle on someone I love and care about.

Plus I’m personally really only into bellies and that’s just not practical and way too limiting. Why on earth would a smart attractive girl have a belly? It’s rare and temporary and then what if she loses it there goes my attraction?

As you can see it’s been quite a struggle for me to accept let alone enjoy so I think I’ll have to speak to someone about it.

This smart, attractive woman has a belly. Please deal with your own fat phobia before pursuing a relationship with a fat person. Counseling would be a good start.

Highly appreciated.
3 years

Too fat for sex - anyone experienced this?

The idea of having to lift up a massive fupa to bury my under a massive amounts of rolls is as fantasy.

This is my reality smiley

Greetings. I'd love to partake in this reality.
4 years

Feed me

I'd love to.
4 years

Belly on the floor

I saw your pictures. You are extremely beautiful.

fatgirlangie wrote
I know its a fantasy but having a belly that big can be painful.

I know because I have a low hanging belly. I am at a point where my belly hangs so much I can't even lay down comfortably anymore cuz it pulls on my back so much.
14 years