Dating women without physical attraction?

Ok, so I have tried the online thing, and have had zero (I mean zero) success locally or in the whole country. I did a brief dive in the feabie cess pool, came out as empty handed.

Honestly, I still think this is your best option. It may be worth examining why it didn't work for you and what you can do differently, rather than giving up. Here's what you can do if you're really serious about finding someone and willing to put in the work: First, ignore the social media side of it completely, and just use it as a search engine for profiles. In your search filters, only use two: female and "near me". Dozens of profiles will come up, arranged by distance. You can bookmark the search results if you're using a browser, since you'll be coming back to it.

Next, you need to open every profile on the list one by one, and read each one carefully, including each tab. Also, look down at her post history and read some of those. If you see something that disqualifies her, like being in a relationship, or not looking for men, or only looking for chatting, or she sounds annoying in her posts, then you move on to the next. Reason why you don't put these in your search filters is because some people leave it blank, and you'd be filtering them out too. If you see someone you'd consider going out with, follow her or put her name down in a list or something. Keep going until you've done this for every single profile from the results.

Then, go down your list and message each one you saved one by one. Don't copy and paste the same thing, or only say "hi" in your first message. If what she wrote in her profile explicitly focuses on kink, you can comment on that, otherwise it's better to comment on something else you have in common, and just have a normal conversation (maybe with some subtle flirting). At some point, you can pivot to asking her what she's looking for on the site and go from there. Do this with only a few profiles at a time, since trying to juggle a bunch of conversations at once is a bad idea.

This is a lot of work, and will probably take several weeks to complete. If you've gone through everybody and still had no luck making a connection, only then can you say that you've tried everything and failed. Personally, I haven't needed to be this thorough, but that's because I live near a major city with fat American women, lol.

Regarding the homosexual comparison, I think he was making a partial analogy. He's comparing one aspect to it, but not others. Actually, this is probably the case for most analogies. If I compared being gay to being lesbian, there are ways that's an apt comparison, but also a lot of differences in the experience because of gender. In fact, if you want an exact 1:1 comparison for anything, it would be impossible because everything is only ever exactly like itself (if that makes sense). Like, a sweater vest is sort of like a vest, and sort of like a sweater, but it's not exactly like either one. On the other hand, people here might consider it an inappropriate comparison on moral grounds, as in it's not incorrect but it's distasteful, but that's a different conversation to the one people are having.
7 months

Dating women without physical attraction?

I think that for most men, physical attraction to some degree is a prerequisite for developing a romantic connection in the first place. You may enjoy the company of a thin woman with a great personality, but you might not ever feel that romantic spark. You do have some options, just not great ones.

Sexuality is a huge component of relationships for everybody, including women. If you don't want to go there, most women won't be interested, with the exception of asexuals. However, asexual women are even rarer than fat women. If you do find someone like that though, you will probably still be looking for a sexual outlet, while she may want monogamy.

In theory, polyamorous women are an option since she can get her sexual needs met by someone else. However, just like monogamous women, sexuality is still an important part of what they desire from their relationships, so poly women probably still won't be interested.

If you're looking for a friend with benefits but the only benefit is cuddling, I think that's something you might be able to find as long as you are clear about what you want from the beginning. However, I think that most women who are actively looking for a long-term monogamous relationship probably won't be interested since time spent with you is time not spent dating someone serious. Plus, women who are oriented towards committed relationships know that their partner would probably look at their friendship with you as a form of cheating.

Earlier, you compared your preference for fat women to a sexual orientation like being gay, and said you are as attracted to thin women as you are to men as a straight guy. If that's the case, what do you think about pursuing this type of relationship with a man? Bromances are a thing, apparently. You might have an easier time finding a gay guy who will respect your boundaries, especially since it seems like most gay guys prefer open relationships. I imagine it would be just like a platonic friendship, but with more physical contact.

OR, and hear me out, you could try dating women you're attracted to? It may not be easy to meet them in your daily life, but that's what online dating is for. If you haven't tried Feabie for this, I recommend it, since I've had some success there myself. You'll be able to meet people you'd never bump into in real life. If you can't find someone local who you like, you may need to think about looking farther afield. That may mean having a long-distance relationship until you can figure out the logistics of relocating.
7 months

Mtf transition: the solution for some male fas?

"I myself was not particularly autogynephilic at the beginning"
Timeline doesn't matter. Not everyone has the experience of discovering their "true sexuality", many people genuinely start as one thing, and then change into something else over time, sometimes more than once.

"But purposely gaining weight while being FA may be a kind of fetishistic transvestism."
Maybe for you, but not for others. You're projecting again. FAs who end up finding they have a gainer side say that it happened for any number of different reasons, but trying to become the opposite sex is one I've heard very rarely.

"I don’t know if I ever met a woman as beautiful as the one I see in the mirror"
You're actually just describing autogynephilia.

"I think that fat fetishists have no interest to get laid, even if they first think they have."
Holy shit, so now everyone is secretly asexual too? And then according to you FAs have no desire for a relationship? Literally just look at the personals section, and you'll see that's bullshit. The vast majority of people on earth want to be in an intimate relationship. Stop trying to psychoanalyze people's sexuality and genders, because you're clearly bad at it. If someone says they like a specific thing for a specific reason, maybe just believe them? You don't actually have mind reading powers.

"Living as a fat woman themselves may be the best life for which fat fetishists are made"
Who the hell do you think you are to decide that for them?

"I see no interest to do it since I don’t like sex, even less with men."
You're contradicting yourself. In your first post you wrote:
"It disgusted me at the beginning, but I got used to it.", which indicates you are having sex with men, correct?

"I live what they call 'the carousel'"
You've just contradicted yourself again in the same post. The "cock carousel" refers specifically to women who have a lot of casual hookups instead of wanting long-term relationships.

"For global networks like Fantasyfeeder, I watch the statistics"
Statistics don't dictate people's lives, they're just a record of how often something occurs. Even though it's a sausage party, you can still stand out from the rest and get what you need if you go about it the right way. Also, I wouldn't recommend Fantasy Feeder for dating, apps like Feabie and WooPlus are better.

"it is in fact sexual SM content"
Does everything just look like a secret fetish to you? Mysogyny is prevalent within redpill communities, but I've seen enough of their content to know that they focus mainly on dating strategies, same with passport bros. They speak only vaguely about sexuality, and describe mostly vanilla activities. MGTOW doesn't even do that, their philosophy is to avoid contact with women altogether because they're motivated by fear. Incels of course talk about how sex will never happen. Perhaps a few might be turned on by emotional sadism, but most don't talk the same way as people in fetish communities, they speak with contempt. Even in the link you posted.

"I don't know if there are cis and trans people after the definition of transgender ideology."
Bruh. Of course they exist, people describe how they feel about gender all the time. Stop assuming everyone is lying.

"All adult people can transition if they wish."
Yes they can, and most who do are transgender. There are some people who become convinced that transitioning will be the solution to their mental health problems, only to discover they weren't actually trans in the first place, and now they can't undo the permanent changes to their body. Some have described it as getting a "sexual lobotomy". Detransitioners used to be very rare, but have since grown a lot. The detransitioner subreddit alone has over 50,000 members, and that's not including their other communities and discords. The philosophy you're proposing is literally causing more human misery to exist in the world.

What's particularly troubling about this is that there exists a (thankfully small) number of trans people and chasers online who believe that in every cisgender person, there's a trans person waiting to come out, and that the world would be better if everyone did. They will do and say anything in their power to make that happen through lying and gaslighting, using the very same arguments that OP is making. They call cis people "eggs" and when they're convinced to transition, they've "hatched". This is disturbing and predatory behavior that preys on emotionally vulnerable people who are struggling with their mental health.

I have receipts (CW transphobia):
7 months

How to meet people online when you're an introvert

These are all really great points, but I just wanted to add that there are plenty of legitimate reasons for someone not responding to DMs besides rudeness or dislike of the person sending them. Especially on a fetish site. For example, someone might be in a relationship and is trying to keep crystal-clear boundaries for their partner's sake. Maybe they're just not looking for certain types of connections and don't want to mislead anyone.

Very true, I forgot to mention that. They could be having a bad day from work and want to be left alone. They could be asleep, and then your message gets buried in their inbox. It could have nothing to do with you at all.
7 months

Mtf transition: the solution for some male fas?

Oh boy, where do I even begin?
Your claim that all straight men have autogynephilia deep down is just completely absurd projection. I promise you they don't. It's wild that you suggest transition as a strategy for lonely cisgender men to get laid. Why would they want to go through a huge multi-year ordeal (including re-training themselves to move and sound feminine at all times), medicalize themselves for life, expose themselves to huge potential risks and complications, and give themselves gender dysphoria in the process? One of those big risks is losing all sex drive or becoming impotent like yourself, which would totally defeat the purpose of the entire exercise for them, right? If forcing yourself to get used to having sex with other guys is part of the process, then surely it would be much easier to force yourself to just be bisexual instead of going through all this effort to attract straight guys right? Stop trying to gaslight cis people into thinking they're trans. Detransitioners are a growing problem for a reason. Go hatch eggs somewhere else.

I'm not going to insult incels or scold them for misogyny, because I think that's unproductive, and I know it comes from a place of genuine emotional pain and hopelessness. Incels are mentally trapped in a community of guys who constantly gas each other up about how worthless they are and how they're going to die alone without ever feeling intimacy. They prefer to wallow in misery because it's easier to externalize their problems and blame it on things outside of their control like losing the genetic lottery. However, their basic assumptions about women are obviously wrong. Looks are NOT the only thing that matters to women. Confidence and charisma (and hygiene) are skills that can be cultivated, and they count for a lot. The only other thing that you really need in order to date is to have enough financial stability that you aren't broke. Most women aren't into NEETs. Even then, It doesn't matter too much if you're ok with having friends with benefits, since it's such a casual arrangement. Personally, my own experiences attest to this. I have several factors that most incels would conclude makes me undateable. They'd probably rate me a 3 on a good day because they're harsh af. Yet, I've never had that much of an issue finding partners whenever I've honestly tried. And that's even within the feedist community, so the idea that it's impossible to find women you're compatible with is simply untrue.

If I had to guess, I think the main issue that limits their success (before finding the incel community) is social awkwardness. I saw an incel video that they claimed was absolute proof of women's cruelty to ugly men, and it was just an awkward guy that didn't know how to have a conversation or what to say, so he tried to introduce a couple of onlyfans girls he just met to his parents WHILE THEY WERE STREAMING ON ONLYFANS. The girls couldn't stop laughing about it, and I don't blame them. Of course incels assumed they were laughing at his facial structure instead of his actions, because that's the easy way out. There's another similar issue with most of the redpill community/manosphere. They will make accurate observations, drop a few nuggets of actual wisdom, and then generalize the hell out of it and jump to some wild conclusions because of it. Like Fresh & Fit actually believe that 50% of all women are getting flown out to Dubai by their rich sugar daddies, lol. I think one of the biggest culprits in the loneliness epidemic is the apparent fact that 45% of men aged 18-25 have never approached a girl in their lives. I guess cases like Amber Heard are really spooking them that much huh? Of course it's more nuanced and complicated than that, but that's a topic for another day.

Anyway, on the trans topic, the one clarification I want to make for people is that 'transsexual' is still a valid word that a lot of trans folks self-identify as. According to them, transsexual refers to trans people who have gender dysphoria (the classic "born in the wrong body" feeling), who want to medically transition to alleviate it. 'Transgender' is more of an umbrella term that includes other subgroups such as non-binary, gender fluid, various neogenders, femboys (depending on who you ask), and yes, even guys with autogynephilia like OP. They're basically straight dudes who fetishize the idea of having a woman's body. For them, transitioning isn't a way to align their body with how they feel inside, but a way to be submerged in kink 24/7. "Gender euphoria" indeed. Some people in the trans community welcome them with open arms, while many others don't like them and want to gatekeep them. Surprise, there are some bitter divisions in the trans community, just as there are in the LGBT community as a whole. A lot of it just boils down to who gets to use what label to define themselves.
7 months

Red pill or blue pill ?

Red pill feeder here.
Back when I was in high school, I probably would have said blue pill, but I've since come to realize that having a fetish is a major enhancement to your sex life. It allows for more creative opportunities in bed beyond the boring vanilla routine, and can turn sex into a sort of adventure of self-discovery. Plus, the more intensely you're fixated on something, the more excited you'll be when you get to experience it. I honestly doubt that people who are mostly vanilla can ever experience as much pleasure as a fetishist. That being said, would I exchange being a feeder for some other kink? Probably not, because I honestly don't think it matters. Anyone with an intense fetish is going to have similar obstacles in life, like difficulty finding a partner, or lack of social acceptance. Everything's a trade-off, that's just life.
7 months

Therapist telling me to lean into a unhealthy lifestyle because it makes me happy

I've been to therapy for depression before. The impression I got is that it's ok to be where you are right now, because you didn't choose to struggle with these problems. If you beat yourself up over it, or try to solve everything all at once, you are likely to fail. The depression itself is going to sabotage your efforts, so getting that under control should be your #1 priority. You should focus on doing small, practical things that will alleviate your mood. Hang out outside when the weather is nice, reach out to friends (or make new ones), clean your home, etc. Sweeping lifestyle changes can wait for a while until you're able to handle them.

I'll echo what others have said already, that therapy isn't going to help you unless you can be open with your therapist, and especially about what outcome you actually want. You need to have a specific goal in mind so that you can come up with steps together to move toward it. Whether that means finding coping methods for your sexuality, or learning to embrace that side of yourself.

As people have already said, gaining weight in a healthy way is possible. It's not nearly as dire as you make it out to be. Aside from that, feedism is valid anyway because you don't owe anybody your health. We're all informed consenting adults, you are allowed to make your own decision to be happy in whichever way you want, and so are the other feedists. Many people (even outside this community) choose to take on an unhealthy or dangerous lifestyle in exchange for feeling happy and fulfilled, and that's perfectly fine because they made an informed decision for themselves. Athletes for example are at high risk of injury, especially head trauma. Some have died because of it. Yet, nobody tells them that playing sports is an unacceptable life choice.

BTW, I checked out your profile and saw that you are 5'11" and 160 lbs. That means you have a BMI of 22.3 which is considered by the CDC to be a healthy weight for an adult. If you're having problems walking, it's probably not fat related.
7 months

How to meet people online when you're an introvert

I'm also an introvert that used to have terrible social anxiety. Here are some of the things that worked for me.

- Don't hesitate to send the first message. If you understand that people enjoy having friends, then your conversation can't be an imposition.

- Easy conversation starters are to comment on something they posted, something in their profile, or really anything you have in common. Don't lead with something like "Hey" and wait for a response before initiating the actual conversation. A lot of people will leave you on read.

- If you're talking to someone from the feedist community or anything similar, it's better to bring up the feedist stuff sooner rather than later. The longer you make small talk and wait, the harder it'll become to finally cross that chasm. Plus, people generally want to know your intentions upfront anyway. Another benefit of putting your cards on the table is that it actually saves you from negative experiences. Worst case scenario is that they think you're weird and ghost you. So what? You've barely spoken to them, so they mean nothing to you. You've just saved yourself a lot of time that would be wasted trying to make awkward conversation in order to get their approval when ultimately they wouldn't have been interested anyway.

- You can try looking for groups based on other interests that have a lot of members local to you, that way you can arrange to hang out later. Online friendships are cool, but nothing is as satisfying as IRL.

- Fake it til you make it. Pretend that the other person is already a close friend that you've been hanging out with for years. They won't know that you're roleplaying, and will usually try to match your energy. If you do become friends, those feelings will become genuine anyway, so you won't be faking it anymore.

- Remember that being a "good listener" doesn't mean being passive in the conversation. Whenever they tell you something, you should try to relate it to your own experience or try to tell an anecdote or something. While people like talking about themselves, they like finding common ground even more.

- Try to tone down your filter. If you're mentally screening everything you say to make sure it's ok first, you will end up being slow to respond and stay quiet a lot. Speaking off the cuff can be hard at first, but you can actually practice when you're alone. Pick a topic and try voicing your thoughts out loud as you're thinking them, like a stream of consciousness. Once that feels natural, you can just do the same thing whenever there's an awkward silence in the conversation. It almost doesn't matter what you say. Saying something dumb or pointless can make you seem more interesting than if you just stayed quiet.

- Eye contact used to be hard for me, but if you feel like you need to look away too much, you can just stare at their forehead instead. They can't actually tell the difference.

- Remember that none of this actually matters in the grand scheme of things. The world has almost 8 billion people scratching around in the dark, trying to make sense out of chaos, but nobody actually has it figured out any better than you do. There's no excuse for not pursuing the things that make you feel fulfilled.
7 months

I talked to an ai chat bot about "taking the plunge" into weight gain

I tried talking to it as a feeder, and it was having none of that. It kept ignoring my wishes and trying to push me into gaining weight. It even offered to be my feeder, lol. I think you may have made an AI fuccboi.

GPT-3 was trained by basically scraping the entire internet, so that would have included forums and communities like this one. When I was first playing around with with it, I asked GPT-3 to write me some erotic fat fiction. The result was obviously generic, but it had all the hallmarks and tropes of stories here on FF, including the same descriptive language. Of course you can't use the main Chat GPT for this, since they have too many restrictive content filters.
7 months

Consensual... abuse?

While all of this information is nice to know, I am not sure where you got this impression from. It only makes sense if you didn't read everything I said. I even explicitly mentioned that many people are happy living a 24/7 type relationship.

What I am talking about is 24/7 sado-masochism. More specifically the domme being hardcore sadistic 24/7 and the masochistic sub (Enas) enjoying that sadism 24/7. After all, this is explicitly what Enas wants.

This, and only this, is not sustainable. Not even in a TPE relationship. Human nature is not meant to be one thing all the time. And it is truly taxing mentally, emotionally, and physically, to live your life in an S&M scene 24/7.

I did read the whole thread. Personally, I'm not convinced that OP meant what you suggest, since he wasn't clear about that being every aspect of his life, only the sexual dynamic. OP specifically asked how to do this in a safe way as well.

Still, my overall point was that even sadomasochism can be a matter of framing. Perhaps the aftercare is just another sadistic element, since she mixes periods of abuse and gentleness in order to confuse him and make him feel emotionally bonded to her so that it becomes even more difficult for him to break free. People can interpret things in any number of ways, so the only thing that needs to change in order to live out his fantasies within a healthy relationship is his mindset.
8 months
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