How fat would you like to be?

400-450 pounds. Currently at 320.
6 years

How did serious gaining start for you?

For me, it was a natural progression of things. I was already a lover of sweets and junk food, but I managed to stay in reasonable shape because of how active I was. Then one day, I just decided, "Eh, screw it -- I'm young and healthy, and I wanna get fat. Let's do it."

Now I'm 22 years old and ~310 pounds. Moving with a lazy waddle between McDonald's and Subway. Probing with sausage fingers to get to the last few Doritos in the bag. Having to get deep between fat rolls in the shower.
6 years

When was the last time you saw your genitals?

I'm up to 300 pounds now, and it's been a couple of months since I was last able to see my penis when I looked down. smiley
6 years

There's a gym quite close to where i live...

...and the treadmills and exercise bikes there are set up so they face the windows, meaning that you have a view of the folks exercising inside and they have a view of you out in the street. So, what I sometimes like to do is walk slowly past them, usually while carrying a burger or something, so they can take a good look at me enjoying my size and eating what I want while they're busting their asses in there.
6 years

Being fat is a sign of prosperity!

I've heard some people say it's gross how much we indulge ourselves while the rest of the world is starving. But I say, if we have the resources in our society, why shouldn't we have massive meal sizes and belt-popping recipes?

Why have we created enormous, heart attack-inducing burgers and cereals made entirely out of cookies? Because we could.

Why do people grow into 300-pound masses of blubber, eagerly cramming double-patty bacon burgers into their maws? Because they could.

I got fat because I'm fortunate enough to live in a society which is prosperous and plentiful enough that I could get fat in it. I'm not going to nibble at a salad in a world with heady amounts of rich food, am I? No -- I'm going to gorge myself on fried food, pizza, burgers and chocolate until I begin to resemble a parade balloon. And become how everyone in our society should be -- fat, content, and not afraid to be that way!
6 years

Getting looks as i go into a fast food place

I now weigh about 262 pounds, and a lot of that weight has come from regular and hearty consumption of junk food -- my ideal meal out is at McDonald's, Burger King or Pizza Hut, and I'm a familiar face at all three.

One of the things I love about going to those places is the looks I sometimes get. As I waddle in or out, or as I'm sitting down to eat, I sometimes notice people shooting disapproving glances my way. It always gives me a rush, like I'm doing something daring and illicit. Not that their disapproval bothers me at all -- they can go ahead and eat their bland, healthy stuff. I'll be content to eat something that's tasty and filling.
6 years

Anyone else getting into nudism?

I have tried this before and it's a good feeling. Congrats of making it to 250, how much does that make that you've gained in all?

Almost 100 pounds!
6 years

Anyone else getting into nudism?

Ever since I broke 250 pounds, I've found that comfortable clothing has become a bit of an issue. Track pants and baggy T-shirts fit the bill fine when I'm out and about, but when I'm at home alone, I find that maximum comfort is achieved by simply stripping off and going bare-ass naked. Not only does it feel great, it helped me come to terms with my new size very quickly indeed. I'd certainly encourage anyone else to give it a try. It feels weird at first, but if you keep at it, it'll soon feel as good and natural as anything!
6 years

How many of you don't walk if you can help it?

Back when I was still at an average weight, I used to walk quite a lot, including the mile or so into town. Ever since I started to blimp out to ~240 pounds, though, I just can't be bothered. Nowadays, my walking consists almost solely of walking between the kitchen and bedroom, to and from my car, and around the local shop when I'm stocking up on snacks. Even a journey of just half a mile is done by car for me these days.
6 years
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