Is anyone not trying to gain?

I am not trying to gain at all. If anything, I'm trying to drop some weight, but I am really content about my weight and I do have a big appetite at times. Sometimes I eat so much and it really has no effect on my weight.
14 years

Favorite tv shows?

Of all time:
The Simpsons

Right now, I've basically been watching reruns of The Nanny and Malcolm in the Middle.

However, I do like adult animated shows like The Boondocks and such. As for current shows, Two and a Half Men.
14 years

Teenage weight gain

Funny this topic is mentioned, because I used to gain a lot of weight in high school. Not intentionally, but I had eating habits out the yin yang. I remember when I entered high school, I was pretty much at 200 pounds and wore size 40 pants. Years progressed and I ate like a madman. I think I got up to about 230 pounds when I hit my sophomore year or something. Junior or Senior year, I was in the 250-260 range. I did go bike riding and such, but I still had my bad habits and such. It was until after I graduated that I hit my highest weight range yet: The 270s range. I think I got up to about 275 or more that summer because my habits were still at a high and I only exercised if I went biking with my dad. So pretty much from the Summer of 2004 to about springtime of 2005, I was basically at 270 pounds. However, I gave up snacking and overeating for Lent in 2005 and lost about 10-15 pounds. Later that year, I lost another 10-15 pounds, and Spring of 2006 came, and lost another amount. Hey I was 19 for most of 2006 until I turned 20 that year. It counts as still being a teen, right?
14 years

Are online friends even worth the effort?

There was this one girl I talked to on Myspace for a long time. I met her on there about 3 years ago, but it's been a few months since we talked. Either she drifted from me, or she has too many things to worry about. I'm sure she'll message me again. I try to, but she doesn't write back. Anything is possible. She lives a few states away from me, so I have doubts that I would ever meet her in person. Even if that were to happen, it would be stupid to blow a lot of money for a plane ticket to go and meet her.
14 years