Any feeders feel guilty they don't like their gain?

Like many of us here on this forum, I've gained some holiday weight. I don't particularly like it, makes me feel uncomfortable and I just really don't enjoy the feeling. As someone who enjoys seeing women gain and actively encourages women to gain; I have to say I feel kinda guilty. I can't say I haven't taken any pleasure in the gain, but in general I just can't stand it.

I was wondering if anyone other feeder's or encourager's out there felt the same way. It doesn't have to be guilt, but something. I feel bad that I don't like the gain myself despite my overall attraction and involvement in it.

Any opinions of the like would be great, even from the view of gainers whose feeders don't gain or enjoy their own.
13 years

Peanut butter balls

no baking? sounds delicious, can't wait to try them.
14 years

Never realized

congrats and good luck. be sure to keep us updated.
14 years


great stuff nutella. first time i had was i was in germany 3 or 4 years ago. found it back in the states and it's great. not the best to cook with, it gets really oily, but it's tasty non-the-less
14 years

Feeders or encouragers out there... do you prefer thin, chubby, or fat to start with?

i prefer thin or chubby getting fat. i think the change is more noticable and fun in the smaller girls. that doesn't mean i wouldn't take a fat girl and make her bigger, but in general i like chubby girls the best, especially if they have big boobs.
14 years

What's your main turn on guys and favorite aspect girls of a gaining girl's body?

depends on the girl and where she gains. i'm a boob guy in generals but i'm also a big fan of the belly. i like a belly gain. but i do certainly enjoy a girls growing ass and hips/thighs. i've been into gaining since i was a teen so i can find the good in all of them.
14 years

Role playing: unknown weight gain

get some twinkies, bread them and deep fry them, it'll add an extra thousand calories per.

you could get some weight gainer and always keep it mixed with the chocolate milk you constantly have in the fridge. make sure she drinks a glass with every meal.

sounds a little strange, her wanting you to make her gain without her knowing. sounds awsome. does this also include encouraging her during or between meals?

here is an idea for a shake if she likes those, would be a good late night snake or desert. 1 pint Haagen-Dazs ice cream. 1 pint heavy cream. 1 jar Reese's peanut butter

Good luck, hope it helps
14 years

Thinking of gaining

attempting to gain or lose weight in specific areas is a myth. when you gain you won't be able to tell your fat where to go. more than likely it will go to your problem areas first. but as a suggestion, i would go with big, high calorie meals, stuff the belly to stretch it out and hope for the best.
14 years
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