
The results were actually much better than expected. The first dose/day is pretty off putting because you become very drowsy and lethargic. However after the first day you can really put tons of food away because you don't feel that "full" feeling that makes you want to stop eating. This stuff is perfect for people that struggle to eat a lot because they get full quickly. I didn't even use the whole three bottles I bought because I was gaining faster than I ever did before and was kind of shocked at how quickly I was turning into a blob. This stuff is particularly effective in combination with weed. Weed makes you hungry and apetamin lets you eat almost continuously. Try this combo for a week or two and watch your pants buttons blow off

Please tell us how much you gained and where the new fat went.
6 years

Creatine monohydrate

Is creatine useful in getting fatter?
6 years

Getting my girlfriend interested

Thanks! By your description, it sounds like your girlfriend is much more on board with being fat and getting fatter. Best of luck, health, and happiness to you two!
6 years

2018 resolutions

I'm 320-ish now. Hoping to break 400 by the end of 2018.
6 years

Getting my girlfriend interested

New progress. My girlfriend is putting her hands on my belly much more often and giving it little squeezes. She hasn't said anything about it yet, but I'm happy so far.

And my weight is up to 320 pounds now!
6 years

Northwest washington meet?

Is anyone interested in a meetup in northwest Washington? I'm talking about people from Burlington on up to the Canadian border meeting at one of the casinos to raid the buffet.
6 years

Bhm belly size

I recently re-measured myself. I'm 57 inches around at my biggest point. Still 48 inch pants are too loose when I wear them under my belly.
6 years

Tracking gains and losses

I'm getting a bit frustrated about gaining. It seems that I stuff myself and feel like I'm getting a lot fatter, but then I weigh myself and either I didn't gain as much as I thought I should have, or I've lost weight.

Have any of you found calorie counting to be of any use in keeping up your gaining? I've been stuck at 310 for several months. Then last week I checked and found that I was 320 pounds. This week though, I'm down to 316.

I'm gradually working on getting my girlfriend interested in gaining with me and helping me gain. She's started to pat my belly more often, so that seems to be a start. But then she's talking a bit more about how she doesn't like being fat.
6 years

How fat would you like to be?

Today I'm 312 pounds empty. My next milestone is 350 pounds.
6 years