'tis the season

No starting weight for me this morning since I've maxed out my scale. Maybe I'll just pig out for the holidays, get a scale for Xmas and see how naughty I've been.
4 years

'tis the season

The holidays are here and the temperatures are nice and chilly. Ladies & Gents & Nonbinary Folk, it's eating season!

If you're like me and considering using the next few weeks as cover to get as fat as you can, feel free to use this thread to track your progress. Let me know what you're eating, how many pounds you're gaining and/or how many inches you've grown. Bon AppĆ©tit šŸ¤¤
4 years

Pushers vs. letting goers

I'm definitely a pusher. You don't continue gaining at my size unless you're testing your tummy's limits on a regular basis.
4 years

Sleep position?

This is funny because I have a slightly different issue. I would consider myself a side sleeper. I've actually never liked sleeping on my stomach because I thought it was uncomfortable but I find myself waking up in the middle of the night on my stomach pretty often these days. It's annoying because it's only gotten more uncomfortable as I've gained.
4 years

Has anyone gained just to try, with the intention of losing it afterwards?

When I first started intentionally gaining in 2015, I was fit and only planning to gain 30 lbs and then lose it. After the first 30, I gained another 70, lost 50 and then started gaining again. My weight has fluctuated a lot since then but I drift further and further away from my starting point each year. Right now, I'm over 230 pounds away.
4 years

Gaining more than you intended

I was only supposed to gain 30 pounds, get to 230 then stop. But 230 turned into 250 then that turned into a weight gain challenge that got me up near 275 which meant that 300 was close so why not? I'm currently flirting with 450 and, with the way I eat, I don't see myself magically stopping there.
4 years

You know you're fat when:

You know you're fat when you can feel your belly jiggle against your thighs as you waddle around

This is a relatively new feeling to me, and I really love it!

It took me a second to realize what that sensation was but it was very arousing when the full weight of the situation set in (no pun intended). I've gotten so fat that I've graduated from belly hang to full on apron.
4 years

You know you're fat when:

You know you're fat when you can feel your belly jiggle against your thighs as you waddle around
4 years

Should i gain weight?

I've always thought that feeders make the best feedees. You can push yourself as hard as you'd push someone else. I did that for myself and the results encouraged me to keep going so don't give up.
4 years

First time with heavy cream

Maybe it's just me but I've found that the more I drink it, the less it upsets my tummy.
4 years
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