Keeping her fed and drunk and drugged

Intox play is a big favorite of mine, too. What's your poison?
3 years

Ever feeling disgusted about your kink?

Not for a long time. FA's are made to feel like perverts - especially feeders...but I first noticed as a kid that all the girls I thought were cute were bigger than the girls my friends liked. Sometimes it's easier to get one to GET big than it is to find as big one who goes for you. Either way, a nice round tummy makes you EXTRA yummy, in my book.
6 years

While we're nerding out: comics!

Hey, Jeepster42, if you need some good graphic novels, check out JLA Earth2, also anything about The Authority, including the Kev stories, and also Planetary. Also, get hold of Majestic, you could also pick up WildC.A.T.s, all very good stuff. The Authority is awesome, though, sort of like the Justice League except that The Authority would just as soon kill you as fight you twice. If you liked Preacher you'll LOVE The Authority.
13 years