Dominant uk female feeder looking for her piggy.

I know I'm 22, and you can talk to me more to gauge if you're comfortable with taking me on as a feedee. But I would like to at least voice my legitimate interest in some serious feeding and fattening, if it interest you. If you're cool with online feeding, I'm totally up to talking more about it if you are.
5 years

So how about that black hole?

Well apparantly the picture we're all fawning over isn't even the full image, as I've just discovered a few minutes ago; the full image is magnitudes more awe-inspiring!!
5 years

So how about that black hole?

For those who aren't aware, scientists have just released the first-ever picture taken of a black hole.
While it may be blurry, it still remains our first step into the cosmic enigma that is the black hole, and it's a massive leap in the realm of astronomy!
5 years

Feedees: want "evil feeder"?

Someone's gotta hit me up about this! I've fantasized about fattening under an evil feeder for too long now, and I wanna make it a reality
5 years

Anyone from nc?

Looking for folks into the fatter things in life, who aren't separated by hundreds or thousands of miles. Mostly looking for cool guys and girls to hang out with and eat copious amounts of food

I generally consider myself a gainer, both exclusive and mutual, so it really doesn't matter if anyone wants to gain or not, though feeders would definitely be a plus, needless to say.
5 years

North carolina feedee/mutual gainer here

College student trying to get huge, and I'm just looking for some platonic stuffing with anyone in the area
5 years

So what games are you playing?

Destiny 2 on PS4 (PeruvianPangolin if anyone feels kind enough to help me get the Rat King exotic)
5 years

Death feedists

Well I think I found my kind of people!

As much as this makes a great fantasy, I've been wanting to make it a reality. Hell, I've been wanting to be fattened to extreme sizes for years now, so why not fully commit to the consequences? I've been nothing more than a lurker in this little corner of feederism for too long, and I want to meet others who want to explore this kind of extreme as much as I do.
5 years