From bbw to ssbbw

At what weight do you go from being a BBW to a SSBBW?

I think that you have to take height into account. A woman who is 6' need to weigh more than someone who is only 5'2. BMI is a reasonable way to take that into account as long as the individual isn't hugely muscular.

My personal opinion is that the SSBBW limit is somewhere around BMI 50, which is also the limit for superobesity.

According to your profile, you are 5'6", so you will become superobese at 310 lbs.

If you feel that you want to aim higher than 310 lbs, you can try to become super-superobese, which is BMI 60 and 372 lbs at your height.
7 years

Your kinkiest fantasy

My fantasy is a medical fetish fantasy. I want to be an obesity researcher who is specializing in weigh gain in very obese young (18+) females.

In my fantasy I have a a research subject that participate in the following activities weigh-in, measuring, belly exam, breast exam, interview about eating and exercise habits, and of course an overfeeding experiment to see exactly how easily she gains weight smiley

Is that kinky?
10 years

Awkward moments for ssbbws?

Oh, I forgot these, I love the idea of SSBBWs being treated as handicapped/disabled due to their extreme obesity, unfitness and laziness.

I am not into immobility but I like the idea of "handicapped by obesity and unfitness", SSBBWs who are still theoretically able walk quite far but who get really exhausthed quickly, so that they are not willing to walk very far and have a strong preference for being able to drive from door to door because they don't like to become totally out of breath all the time.

I like the idea of the women being a bit in denial or ashamed of this, that they are so obese that they are partially disabled; then they get into a situation where they have to explicitely acknowledge their handicap and that it's caused by their obesity.

19. An unfit SSBBW is using a handicap parking spot:
- She is offered a handicap parking spot by a hotel or housing community
- Her doctor offers to approve a handicap sticker for her, for no other reason than her obesity.

20. A handicap parking spot used by a SSBBW gets relabeled as the obesity parking spot.

21. An SSBBW is being offered a couple of seats by courteous members of the public at a crowded public place because they (correctly) think that it's hard for her to be on her feet for a longer time.

22. A SSBBW visits a theme park or similar. She tries to rent a scooter but gets an electric wheelchair instead, something with real "handicap look", I think these are not common anymore.

23. An SSBBW is visiting a building on a guided tour. She is so obese and unfit that she has to ask for permission to use the elevator instead of using stairs.

24. An SSBBW needs a seatbelt extender, in an airplane or a car.

25. An SSBBW needs to apply for permission to use some elevators or close parking spots at a campus with tall buildings, where they are only available for people with a disability. She needs to explain to administrators that her disability is obesity.

26. An SSBBW doesn't fit into the desks with tables at her college so she needs to apply for a special seating/desk solution.
10 years

Awkward moments for ssbbws?

I wonder if I am the only one fantasizing about BBWs being in awkward or slightly humiliating situations due to their obesity.

Here are a few of my fantasies. I am aware of the fact that most of them are pretty unrealistic or improbable smiley

1. An apple shaped BBW is being mistaken for being pregnant, so that she has to explain that she is obese, not pregnant.

2. An apple shaped BBW is shopping for clothes and is advised to try maternity clothes because of her big round belly.

3. A very large SSBBW with very tight clothes is standing in a balloon store and a vision impaired customer tries to buy her in the honest belief that she is a balloon, so that she has to explain that she is a woman who looks like a balloon, not the other way around.

4. A larger SSBBW visits a country where there are elevators with low weight limits and gets stuck or destroys the elevator and it's found out that her obesity caused the elevator to malfunction. They are very rare nowadays but I have seen two person elevators with a max limit of 160 kg (352 lbs).

5. An SSBBW is at a large airport and has to ask for assistance to get to the gate because she is too fat to get to the gate in time by walking.

6. A young SSBBW is using a scooter, not because she is completely immobile but because she is too fat and lazy to walk longer distances. I think this is a pretty common fantasy.

7. Furniture is collapsing under an enormous SSBBW. I guess this is pretty common too.

8. A group of huge SSBBWs trigger the collapse of a building (but nobody gets hurt). I once worked in a slightly unstable building where there were sometimes SSBBW quakes.

9. A 500 lbs SSBBW is unwittingly walking into a restaurant that is offering discounts to very obese people, she is informed by the personnel that people over some lower weight limit can eat for free and asked if she wants to weigh in.

10. A BBW that works in the food industry gains a huge amount of weight because of her work, for example as a fast food manager. She has to constantly ask her employer for larger and larger uniforms.

11. A huge American SSBBW is visiting some of the nuclear museums at Hanford, which only allows US citizens. At the gate she discover that she forgot her ID at home but she is being told by officials that her American accent in combination with her extreme obesity is proof enough of citizenship, of course she has to be weighed so that they can check that her weight is approximately the same as in her DMV records smiley

12. A huge SSBBW encounters people who think that she must be from the US because of her obesity (she may or may not be from the US).

13. A larger SSBBW gets weighed by the highway patrol and warned for overloading a vehicle with herself, after they determine that the weight limit for that vehicle is exceeded.

14. An SSBBW takes her car to service and asks why her vehicle is consuming considerably more fuel than her friends vehicle of the same make and model and after no problem is found, she is told that it's probably because of her obesity.

15. A big bellied SSBBW have to borrow pants from a slightly smaller friend, so that she can't hide her belly inside her pants but has to walk around in public with her belly outside her pants, only covered by a very tight shirt.

16. An SSBBW with an extremely large and round fast food belly walks due to some mistake into a beer belly contest and the judges award her the victory and she feel compelled to explain to them that she has a fast food belly, not a beer belly.

17. I love watching SSBBWs getting in and out of cars with their bellies squeezed by the steering wheel.

18. An SSBBW get stuck somewhere, for example a turnstile.
10 years

Belly shape?

13CrystalDreams wrote:
What's your preferred belly shape?

Sort answer: I prefer very obese bellies smiley

Long answer:
I don't have strong preference but a weak preference for big undivided bellies that are protruding a lot. I think some people on here apparently call them globular bellies. I feel that this type of belly get beautiful already at a lower BMI. However, I find many other types of bellies to be beautiful as well, especially if we talk about very obese bellies. For example, I find many double bellies to be very beautiful but it generally takes more pounds and a higher BMI than a globular belly on the same woman.

What I really like in a woman is when she is looking like a balloon in the middle. I guess that this is the reason for me wanting more poundage on double bellies. A woman with a double belly, half of it is typically hidden in her pants, need to gain more weight to get the same level of balloon look as a woman with globular belly, which is often proudly outside of her pants and only contained by a tight shirt.

One thing that I find so fascinating with the obese female body is the great variety of different shapes. Fat girls are like snow flakes, all of them are unique. When it comes to skinny women, I feel that if you have seen one, then you have seen them all. I mean, there aren't that many ways in which a belly can be flat smiley
10 years

Best witnessed weight gain?

cincinnatus wrote:
[quote]nogoodd wrote:
It's really common for fast food workers in the US here to put on weight. I've known a couple people who worked at McDonalds or Burger King that put on anywhere from 25 to 60 pounds. Here the general rule was you got free (or extremely discounted) meals during your break so several of them just regularly ate on their breaks.

Yeah, I can imagine. It's not that rare here either, from what I have heard, although many workers are slim and fit; I guess they don't eat the food, or they only work there for a short time.

I have seen quite a few obese fast food workers, even a few weight gains but I have never seen such a dramatic gain in a short time. What made this case special for me, was that the girl had piled on what I estimate to be more than 100 pounds in just a couple of years; she had a really beautiful face too.

For me it's not that uncommon to see a very obese fast food worker but most of the time, I have never seen them before they got fat, or at least I can't remember it. If it hadn't been for the name tag, I would simply not have recognized this girl at all and I would not have identified it as a gain. I would have just been sure that they were two different girls. Of course, this makes me wonder how many gains I have missed because the woman in question hasn't been wearing a name tag, or I haven't looked at it and kept track of who is who.
10 years

Best witnessed weight gain?

I once visited a McDonalds restaurant, this particular restaurant is far away from where I live and work, so I go there very rarely. The shift manager was at the cash register, taking my order. Her face was very attractive and she was a bit plump, her face was skinny though. I think you know the type: slightly plump girls with skinny faces. I think she was hiding the beginning of a belly in a very loose shirt but it was a bit difficult to judge the size of her belly because the shirt was so loose, I guess that was her purpose with the loose shirt. I clearly remember that I was a bit disappointed by this as I was as usual curious about the size of her belly.

She was rather tall, even for a Finnish girl, I would say around 5'10". It's tricky to guess somebody's weight but I guess she was a bit over 200 lbs. I think she was there in the border land of overweight but possibly not yet obese, or then just barely obese. I guess her BMI was a little bit under 30. In Finland, fast food managers happen to have a name plate with both the first and the last name; regular workers only have the first name on their plate. This girl happened to have a rather short and unusual Finnish name that is easy to remember.

I went into the restaurant again about 2 years later and again it was a shift manager who took my order. As I placed my order, I saw that it was a different manager this time. This shift manager was somewhere in the borderland between severely obese and superobese. Her belly was like a big balloon of fat that was (as far as I can remember) completely outside of a very tight pair of black work pants and contained by a shirt that was insanely tight over the belly. I remember that her belly was really round and protruding. The shirt wasn't quite as tight over the breasts but it was still possible to conclude that there were two big breasts in there, the kind of breasts that quite often comes with superobesity. This manager had a very cute and slightly chubby face on top of her very obese body.

By chance she happened to have the same hair (dark and similar style) and approximately the same height as the manager that took my order years earlier. As she turned around to get the stuff I had ordered, I toyed with idea that there would be a microscopic chance that it could be the same girl but I immediately rejected the idea because her face looked rather different, even apart from the beginning of a double chin that this girl had. Also she was simply just too obese to be same manager. The time difference was only a couple of years and the difference in weight was well over 100 lbs, according to my estimates. Again guessing weights is difficult. This second manager was according to my estimate well over 300 lbs. I would guess that her BMI was around 45-50, so for a 5'10" woman that would give us a range of about 330-360 lbs.

So I was thinking about this, estimating her weight and looking at her incredibly obese body, comparing her to my memory of the previous manager while she was preparing my order and deciding that the it simply cannot be the same girl. Still, even if it wasn't the same girl, I was still very happy that I saw her because she was supersized, which I like, and in my eyes much more beautiful than the previous manager.

At this moment, I remembered the previous girl and wondered if she still worked there. I think I remembered her mainly because of her attractiveness, height, unusual name and superficial similarity (hair and height) to this very obese manager.
As she was also quite hot, even if not nearly as hot as this second manager, I was curious if she had gained any weight during the two intervening years.

Now, typically there is only one shift manager at a time in a restaurant, so I was thinking of coming back at some other time with a different crew and hoping that I would get a chance to see the previous girl, although I didn't even know if she was still working at this restaurant. Then, while I was in the middle of my very private thoughts, the superobese manager came back to the cash register with the stuff I had ordered and I got a chance to look at the name plate and I got a kind of mild shock: it was the same unusual name on the plate as the first manager. I remember that I was quite stunned by this, I was barely able to say "thank you!" at the end of the transaction.

The girl had apparently just let her weight go and blown up like balloon in just a couple of years. Especially what had happened to her belly was just shocking in a very hot and fascinating way. The small beginner belly that could be hidden in a loose shirt was gone, instead she had a huge ball of fat that was stretching a shirt that probably was much larger to maximum capacity.

Then as I was eating my food I deliberately chose a table to that I could watch this amazing woman as she was working at the cash register while I was eating.

I saw her taking orders from other customers, then the restaurant was quite quickly becoming less busy and she apparently decided to leave the cash register and tend to managerial duties. Before she left, she filled up a whole tray with French fries, she didn't put them into bags or anything. She just completely filled up a whole tray covered with a thick layer of fries, then she disappeared to some back room with the "French tray" and a large soda.

As a parenthesis it could be added that I don't think she was stealing food from her employer. I don't know how it is in other countries but in Finland I have heard that at least some fast food managers are allowed to eat food for free. A privilege that I think this girl had used quite a lot.

To me this incident was quite a hot because the woman was young and attractive, her gain was large, her clothes were tight after the gain, so I got a good chance to see the outline of her obese figure. I also, like that she had most of the belly outside of her pants, only contained by her tight shirt. As an extra bonus, I got an insight into her eating habits at work smiley

This may sound weird but I liked the shock I got when I looked at the name plate. I also like to see women who are shockingly obese but shockingly large weight gains also work well. In a Finnish context, this girl not only had a shockingly large gain but was also shockingly obese, although just a regular SSBBW in the US, I guess. Her belly was just amazing though. Her eating habits, seeing her shamelessly filling up a whole tray with fries was quite shocking too smiley

Apparently, the changes in her face had happened because of a very large and rapid weight gain. I am not to this day sure what it was exactly, as I don't have that good photographic memory. I just clearly remember that as I looked at her face I clearly decided that "No, this is not the same girl". I guess her cheeks got chubbier or something. Her face wasn't unusually chubby the second time. It was just the kind of "normal face" of a very obese woman, I would say a chubby face but still clearly skinnier than average for that weight category.

Finally, it could be added that supersized young women are not as common here in Finland as in the US, so seeing a cute young supersized woman is in itself a rather pleasant occurrence. This thing, seeing a young woman blow up like this, in such a short amount of time, is for me basically a once in a lifetime occurrence. When I lived in the US, I remember that I was almost overstimulated by seeing SSBBWs every day. I never got a chance to witness a gain like this, since I only stayed for 2 years.
10 years

Addicted to fattening foods?

Could be added that it's something attractive about the loss of self control to the point that describing the woman as being "overfed" is very accurate, although there is no forecefeeding involved. I guess that's how I like to put it, I am attracted to overfed women, regardless of whether they think of themselves as foodees for feedees.

I am not really sure if am more attracted to foodees or feedees. The woman of my dreams have a obesity that at least to some degree is (or has been) out of control. However, it's important to me that she is reasonably comfortable with being in that state, like she has given up and fully accepted herself as a very gluttonous, lazy, obese and unfit person.

I also like the whole idea of a woman who is heavily influenced by her environment to get fat.

For example, I like the idea of women who have grown up with parents who have been very permissive when it comes to fattening foods, so that by her early 20s, she has acuquired not only a very obese body, but also very lazy and gluttonous habits and lifestyle patterns that are almost impossible to break.

In the above, permissive parents could be substituted with lazy and gluttonous friends, relatives, coworkers or an online feedee/foodee community.

I once visited a chocolate factory and we were shown the production line. There was one point at the line where it was permitted to take samples. It was at the end of the line, right after the packaging machine. I don't know if it was a co-incidence but the woman whose task it was to supervise that particular part of the line happened to be an SSBBW, altough most workers in the factory were rather slim and fit smiley

Another favorite of mine is obese workers at bakeries, candy shops or fast food places.
10 years

Addicted to fattening foods?

Personally, I don't find the idea of funnel feeding to be appealing. I am not interested in someone being physically forced to eat fattening foods.

One the other hand, I find it very interesting when a woman is addicted to fattening foods and is somehow "stuck" in a state of uncontrollable consumption. I like it, when it's all in the head of the feedee or foodee. I like the idea of a foodee who is so gluttonous and addicted to fattening foods that she is just has to give up weight control and accept that she is (possibly) getting more and more obese.

I like submissive women but when it comes to feeding, I like it when a woman have to submit not directly to me in this regard, but to her own gluttony and to the foods that she is craving. I definitely like the idea of a submissive foodee who is completely unable to control her own weight, even if she wanted to.

It's not necessary about weight gain either, it could be that she is already very fat, that is fat enough for me and is unable to lose the weight.

I also like it if there is an element of the woman losing sight of what is a normal level of consumption, like she is after years of overconsumption and spending time with similarly obese friends believing that it's fully 100% mainstream to eat lots of fattening fast food and drink lots of regular soda pop every day.

In the same way, when it comes to exercise, I like it when she has to submit to her own laziness, obesity and general unfitness, so that she has to accept that waddling to the car is the only exercise that she can and should do.

I see my role more as a person who is pointing out to her how lazy and overfed she is, perhaps sometimes giving her a fattening gift that she is unable to resist.

Is there anyone else who have similar thoughts about addiction, gluttony and laziness?
10 years

Car dependency?

Joey wrote:
For me it's too big or too heavy for a car that's the major turn on, also chances are if she's big enough to waddle, she won't be fitting in easy ;p

What kind of cars are we talking about here?

I mean, there is a large difference in capacity between a Morris Mini and Hummer smiley
10 years
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