If you had a wish - survey

This is an awesome survey. Thank you to those who have brought it back to life!

1. What is your current weight?

Floating right around 160 lbs.

2. What is your normal goal weight?

Right around 170 or 180, but more on the muscle side of things. I'm weird that way...

3. What would you choose if you could instantly and magically change to any weight, but the changes reverted after a few hours max. one day?

Probably somewhere between 250 and 300 lbs of pure jiggly fat. Trying to wear clothes that I wear now, especially out in public, and stuffing myself full of an entire food court. And then of course finding myself a similarly sized woman, to do it all over again with, and then some, just to enjoy all that softness ;-)

4. What would you choose if you could instantly and magically change to any weight, without it automatically reverting? (of course, you could still gain or lose weight naturally afterwards)

Honestly I'd stay right where I'm at. I love the challenges of gaining weight.
7 years

Stuffing challenge

This is an awesome topic.
7 years

Introduction/ say hi thread

Hey! Finally decided to check this site out, and apparently I made a profile a few months ago, who knew?! I've been involved with this community on a few other sites, but not really here, so here I am! I'm really into the feeder and the feedee things, so say hi if you'd like to explore some mutual stuff with me! Don't be a stranger!
7 years
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