Practical fat habits

Count me in. Freshly made peanut butter enhances life. Ps. Good to hear from you
4 months

Fast food

Fast food is pretty horrible for the environment and for it's unhumane treatment of animals through factory farming. Then don't forget u r eating diseased sick antibiotic laden meat and this is just the tip of the iceberg. It shoukd really be better regulated . And they really don't want the public to b aware so inform ur self.
I tend to avoid fast food nearly completely. About as close as I get is to stop at a Dunkins for a coffee when I am traveling. I don't consume arsenic nor any poisons that are in the food supply.
10 months

Weight gain montage soundtrack

I would be more inclined to listen to Vivaldi. Beethoven's third also comes to mind. Closing one's eyes and imagining the moments and sharing...
11 months

Transitioning from vegetarian to omnivore

I ha a;ways been one to enjoy meat, however after reading a heart health issue in Consumer's Reports that outlined how many antibiotics are fed to beef, pork and chicken in addition to growth hormones and other chemicals, I decided to dial the consumption back. Initially I thought I'd try it for a week, then two, which morphed to a month. It's been seven years now. Not being perfect, I enjoy turkey at Thanksgiving and once a year, pastrami.
1 year

What would you say to your past self if given the chance?

A heart felt 'I'm sorry.' There was a plethora of errors,however the opportunity beckons to move forward to being a better person.
1 year

Had to block my first person today

First off, I'm so sorry this happened to you.
I definitely think you are judging the situation correctly as anyone who places an ultimatum or a "quid pro quo" onto you, should set off a red flag.
I second the advice already given. Also, I say always trust your inner voice.
I do hope you continue to enjoy the site, albeit with some more cautious approaches in your future interactions, and don't let one bad apple ruin the bunch!

Ouch. A term comes to mind: Regression to the mean
1 year

Cruise prep

Omg I love pre reading food menus in anticipation!

Anticipation is a trigger for imagination, except for dental appointments
1 year

Anyone in new england?


I’m Rebeca and am looking to meet people from the community in person. Anyone interested?
Although the profile claims Florida, I am in Vermont. Travel is always an adventure...
2 years

Looking for you

I am glad to witness your return after wondering where and why. Destiny is one strange energy.
2 years
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