California trying to do away with fast food trying to have less

California's not the fist place to do something like this. New York City recently passed a law that required places to post the number of calories in a given dish in letters the same size as the menu item itself and Japan recently mandated that it was illegal to have a waistline over 34 inches. I think the reason more and more districts are passing laws like this is because they realize there's no way to change the way people think so they're going to give them no other option.
15 years

Fit men and fat women

a lot of time is wasted on regret so just be glad you didn't waste your whole life in the closet. I'm a bit of a Gym Rat as well (I'm there at least 3 times a week) so I know what u mean. I guess the big diff between u and me must be that I normally go by myself so I wouldn't have to explain this to anyone. That aside, the notion that "Luvfatfeedees" expressed is a big motivation to me when I get in there and it keeps me going all workout long.
15 years
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