Is anyone else’s sense of what is a lot of calories skewed?

Absolutely. I'm quite obese, so my maintenance calories are high-- around 4,000. When I was gaining, I was eating a minimum of 12,000 a day and often a bit more if I was stuffing, so my intake now feels like nothing. Frankly, I'm seldom ever satisfied much less full To an average eater, 4,000 would be a massive amount of food. To me, it's borderline deprivation.

To be honest 4k is my goal for daily intake and a lot of days I struggle to even fit that much in, I can't even fathom what a 12k day looks like. I hope one day I can.

Could you share how you fit those many calories in a day? Is it primarily big meals? Or snacking? Either way, very inspiring!

I've been in a similar position, with a 3-4K goal.

When I started I would do on/off periods of excessive eating by making sure I had 3-4 meals a day of around 500-1000kcal with snacks in between and having double cream Ice Cream milkshakes, even if it felt a bit uncomfortable.

Over time though I think this is having an affect on me and making it easier to eat more, although still not perfect.

If costs weren't a factor I'd probably be eating even more, especially things like McDonald's which I find 'empty kcals', handy when eating just before starting a shift.
1 month

Why are people so angry at fat acceptance movements on the internet?

something that i have noticed lately is that people are getting extremely angry at the existence of weight loss injections and people using them.
when the fat people they hate so much start losing weight in a new way they don't like they start trying to find reasons to justify denying its use and keep insulting them. it really exposes the fact that all they wanted was a reason to insult somebody for how they look

Reminds me of a post I saw where someone mocked a fat person for trying to lose weight at a gym.

Although I think this was a YouTube Reddit r/facepalm compilation video, so at least they were getting mocked for it.
1 month

Is this fetish permanent?

I developed this fetish a couple of decades ago during my teen years and it never left me.

As of now I feel like I have to try and get fat enough that I have a permanent slab of fat across my waist line, even if I end up regretting it and try to lose it.

I find it kind of ironic that I hated being a fat kid /teen but hate not being fat enough as an adult.
1 month

Gaining tips

You'll often find discussions on here of people stuffing themselves, personally though I find this uncomfortable.

Instead when I'm pushing myself to gain I use the 'little and often' approach, basically spreading out the amount of food I eat throughout the day. So instead of say one massive meal, I might have two smaller ones a few hours apart.

Remember, at the end of the day it's about the overall kcal intake.

Find food/meals/snacks which aren't filling but still high in kcal, McDonald's is a good example for me.

Also, if you go down the cream route, I make Ice Cream milkshakes and found using a relatively cheap small smoothie blender which has small bottles allot easier than my larger blender.


I'm not the OP, their post has been deleted.
1 month

How to keep motivated

In my case, when I started to do active/pushed gains, I would do it in cycles alongside heavy cream, stopping when fatigue kicked in.

I also prefer 'little and often', I still have to push myself a bit but it's allot easier to have say two meals/snacks over a few hours than the same amount in one sitting.

Also, find foods which have kcal but not too filling, it doesn't have to just be McDonalds but a couple of small pepperoni microwave pizzas is ~900kcal and relatively cheap where I live (pack of 8 is £5.50).

Right now I'd say my job is the biggest factor, it's both shift work and variable hours. During peak times, it's effectively pointless gaining but right now when I'm on minimum I've been using this time to try and gain a bit and it's the longest cream gain I've been on (likely because I'm able to spread my eating out a bit so it feels less forced).


I also seem to be able to eat overall more now as well.
1 month

Weight gain begins to stagnate

I would start by looking at your current kcal intake and how much physical work you do.

The average recommended intake is 2000-2500kcal, but obviously the more physically active you are the more you'll likely need to gain.

The next step is to look to see if you can increase your kcal intake somehow.

Personally I find it easier to eat 'little and often' than stuffing sessions which leave me uncomfortable. Just this morning I ate two microwave pizzas for breakfast and then just over an hour later 4 dirt cheap instant noodles.

A common 'go to' is also heavy/double cream, but you have to be careful with this as it can.....backfire shall we say. Personally I drink 300ml as part of an ice cream milkshake once a day about 1-2 hours after eating something.
1 month

Anyone know what youtubes rules are for feedism content?

Asking about YouTube enforcement is like asking for the lotto numbers.

I wouldn't be surprised if there are just some triggers for bots and if individuals report the video/channel, with only massive channels or those who get large public discussion having actual humans look at them.

Might be worth looking into something like Twitch and then mirroring the video on YouTube and long term something like Patreon/memberships if you pick up a sizeable enough following.
2 months

Easily get unhealthy food

Late shift at supermarkets may get you free food via food waste.

Working in food service or downloading every food app and checking every possible deal and looking for whatever is the most calories for the cheapest price.

Pro tip, when not using a deal, check with the store directly as they may offer slightly cheaper prices.

Also, check for any work discounts, I get a small discount for one or two services this way.

Check for any other disocunt/rewards programs elsewhere as well, I got a free sausage breakfast roll the other day via my parents cable provider.
2 months

Fattening jobs

I know of a couple of supermarkets where off the record they'll give food waste to staff if you're on the late shift.

I live with someone who gets this, I literally have to eat two free donuts today (oh no), although unfortunately it's rare they'll bring something home I'll enjoy, so I have two freezers filled with their food.

Generally though, it's likely places where there's minimal physical work that you'll find people more likely to pack on the pounds e.g. office work, especially if food related activities are involved.
2 months

Help gaining or increasing appetite

Consider eating 'little and often', calorie counting and finding 'empty calories'.

I personally don't like stuffing myself but I've found the above handy in increasing my intake.

So for example, I might have 3-4 slightly smaller meals at a time with snacks in between.

Something like McDonald's is good for having as meals which leave me feeling hungry a short while later. Although I don't do this all the time, subject to work and offers in the app (e.g. tomorrow they're discounting chicken nuggets).

Overall, I now eat more than I use to.
2 months
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