Becoming obese

I wouldn’t say I ever “took the plunge”, but after a decade of dabbling in 10-15lbs here and there, plus rebound weight gain after periods of unintentional weight loss…. And I’ve gained quite a bit and I’m fat now. I suppose you could say I’ve been wading out for a long time.

It’s great! I actively like my body now (… most of the time). I also had *no* idea I could be turned on by my own body, but it happens sometimes now.

I was surprised how small I was when finding clothes that fit decently got difficult, esp. as a man. Just because of my own proportions, mass-produced clothes tend not to fit me great anyway, but that problem has only gotten worse as I’ve gotten larger.

I also was not able to keep up my fitness as I got fatter. I highly recommend doing so if you can. It’s easy to lose fitness if you want to, but harder to regain it.
1 month

Subcutaneous vs visceral fat

I loosely remember reading out here that heavy cream tended to lead to visceral fat which I’m trying mostly to avoid. I just want to be really soft and pillowy ideally subcutaneous heavy. That and some studies showing visceral to be more health problematic but tbh a lot of obesity studies are so obsessed with weight loss above all else they fail to actually say anything coherent. 🤷‍♀️
Oh my question being largely which diets cause more subcutaneous? (Of note: lactose intolerant & trying to avoid processed sugar. Also going through feminizing hrt! So it may affect this in theory)

Other way around! Although of all factors that affect fat distribution, diet seems to have the least impact. Genes and hormones seem to do most of the work. (I remember reading some reddit posts where trans women talked about success with weight cycling, i.e. developing a more feminine figure, suggesting that even the distribution of regained weight is still affected by hormones).

Regarding dietary sources, search for the user becomingoverweight. I haven't seen them around in awhile, but they collected and posted a bunch of articles related to this. It seems dairy fat may help promote subcutaneous fat gains. That effect may be driven by a fatty acid called stearic acid. Cacao butter also has a lot of stearic acid, but would need to be emulsified to be absorbed well.

Fructose seems to promote visceral fat gains.

I should maybe resurrect and finally post my own article collection lol
1 month

Is this fetish permanent?

Here to drop the entirely unsatisfying answer of "it depends".

As Munchies explained, people's experiences with fetishes vary. I'll add that IMO and IME, whether a fetish is "permanent" or not has very little to do with the fetish itself, and is more about the person's interest in the fetish.

If you only developed interest in this fetish as a result of hypno or similar files, hypnotherapy might be able to help you move on from it, if that's what you're looking for.

However, asking this question in FF (or in any feedism space) is prooobably gonna skew the answers you get. Survivorship bias, ya know?
1 month

Need advice on how to be a feeder on a budget

Bonus points if you know how to cook.

If you don't please learn. It's an important survival skill and you can make a lot of food for cheaper prices if you stretch it right.

For real, this. Also baking. Baking mixes are a good way to start, if you're not familiar. You don't need an expensive mixer--you can make plenty of good stuff with elbow grease.

Things that go in a funnel tend to be (or at least ought to be) cheap--some people like doing melted ice cream, but tbh that's a very expensive way to funnel. HC with syrup or jam (and other mix-ins, if you want them) is substantially cheaper.

You might see if there's some kind of outlet grocery store around. Grocery Outlet is a big chain, but there might be an independent/local one where you live. Also, a friend or family member might have a Costco card, and while it might not be the cheapest, it tends to be a good value. Some stuff is legit cheaper, too, like HC (25-50% cheaper at Costco than grocery stores where I live).
3 months

Sighting: see evidence of wg that is a turn-on

I know, let's put everyone in burkas so we can't fantasize about them even if we want to!

Morbidly A Beast:
bro thinks consent is tantamount to slavery

Hmm. This seems like a particularly uncharitable interpretation of his joke, and not consistent with what he's expressed so far. Like, does "consent is tantamount to slavery" really seem like a take a reasonable person would have? Obviously not. So maybe that's not what he means.

I would prefer it if we, as a community, would double check our understanding before lobbing insults/accusations like "fucking sick freaks".

No one is saying consent is oppressive, or that consent isn't important. Some of us just don't see how thoughts/fantasies are thing that require others' consent. My approach is to try figure out if/where/why we disagree

Similarly, Morbidly A Beast, you’re also addressing a morality angle, right? Like it’s morally okay to feel attraction, but not fetishize? I think that’s what I’m reading, but I just want to double check.

Morbidly A Beast:
Of course it’s ok to feel attraction. Attractions aren’t fetishes. No one says straight men have a fetish for women lol. But yes. However it is more about it just being kinda cringe I see it all the time in these spaces and it’s just kinda meh to me.

Letters And Numbers:
You’re saying it’s cringe for people to talk about their kink on a fetish board about their kink? I’m not talking about people I see on the street, either, but this is one of a handful of places online to have that talk. It’s finding a copy of Time Magazine in the periodicals section.

Morbidly a Beast:
Nope, not saying it’s wrong to have kinks at all nor is it wrong to discuss them I’m saying it’s cringe that they’re projecting fantasies on normies while engaging with people who are already participating in those fantasies. Maybe it’s a disconnection in the language I’m using? But I think what I’m saying makes sense.

I think there's some ambiguity in the term "fetishize". I've seen it used different ways in different places. How do you mean it? Is the meaning you're working with limited to "projecting fantasies on normies", or does it mean something more and/or different? Is it posting it that's the problem, or even fantasizing about it privately?

Similarly, I think there's some ambiguity around saying something is cringe. Do mean that you personally find "fetishizing" distasteful and don't like that people do it, as one might dislike idk, kale? Or that there's something morally objectionable about it? (In which case, our feelings about it are irrelevant)

I think the following example might help clarify, but feel free to ignore. In the following scenario, I'm wondering what steps you consider to be "fetishizing", "cringe", or morally objectionable, or which steps require Bob's consent.

Step 1. Alice finds her coworker Bob attractive.
2. Alice fantasises about vanilla sexy times with Bob.
3. Alice is also into feeidism, and fantasizes about feedism sexy times with Bob. She has no idea whether Bob is into feedism or not.
4. Alice notices that Bob gains weight and likes it. She doesn't know his opinion on his gain.
5, version 1. Alice hopes Bob gains more weight. Alternatively,
5v2. Alice hopes Bob gains more weight, but only if he wants to. Alternatively,
5v3. Alice hopes Bob gains more weight regardless of whether he wants to or not.

So far, Alice has been totally private with her thoughts, but she decides to share some of them on FF:
6. Alice writes her Bob+feedism fantasies as fic. She changes their names and identifying details, and then she posts it to FF.
7. Alice writes a fairly anonymous post about Bob on FF, including what she presently finds attractive about him (e.g. his recent weight gain, how she likes how his work uniform fits now, etc.). Nothing that would be likely to lead back to him.
8v1. In the post, she mentions that if Bob gains more weight, she would enjoy it. Alternatively,
8v2. In the post, she mentions that she hopes Bob will gain more weight
3 months

Sighting: see evidence of wg that is a turn-on

Letters and Numbers:
It seems like [Munchies is] trolling.

Probably not. Munchies is an active and helpful member of the community, and AFAIK, hasn't trolled here before. I think if she was going to, we'd have seen it already smiley
As a man thinks, so does he do.

Is this an aphorism? I'm not familiar with it, and the only search hits I'm getting are for a bible verse, but the phrasing it's not quite the same (and unsurprisingly, phrasing seems to change with translations).

I'm not saying fantasizing about people means you're going to actually do the thing. But it does color what you do in reality. The extent depends on what you conciously check yourself on, but it's never 100%.

So if the concern isn't that you're actually going to do the thing, what is the concern? Like, what "color" are you objecting to?

Based on your response here, and your response to Nok's reply, it seems like the "consent issue" isn't with the fantasizing itself, but how fantasizing might lead somone to behave, right?

So then, if Alice's fantasies about Bob don't lead her to mistreat Bob, then her fantasizing wasn't a problem, right?

Like, if a woman's boss fantasizes about her sexually, or a woman fantasizes about her best friend's husband, can we say it's not going to color their interactions with the object of their desire?

Can we say that it will?
3 months

Sighting: see evidence of wg that is a turn-on

There's nothing wrong with having sexual fantasies - even if they are unusual ones. But like ... consent is sexy. And if you don't have their consent, then maybe don't sexualize them.

Totally understandable that the experience you described would feel violating.

I’m just not convinced fantasizing about others constitutes a violation of consent. I’m willing to be convinced otherwise, but here’s my take, featuring good ol’ Alice and Bob:

Alice’s thoughts about Bob are not actually Bob. Bob himself isn’t actually involved in Alice’s private thoughts about Bob, so there’s nothing for him to consent to (or not). Alice’s thoughts (about anything) are part of Alice. As an autonomous person, I would think Alice is the only one with any say over her own private thoughts.

Put another way, I don’t think fantasizing about guys as a teenager makes you “guilty” of anything. I just don’t see how private thoughts have any moral weight. Like, what harm did you do, or risk doing?

Sharing them is different, though. Sharing impacts others, so their consent is relevant. But that’s kind of OT for this reply.


Side note: OP does say “I couldn’t keep my eyes off her” which (given the voyeuristic style of the post) kinda sounds like an inappropriate/potentially violating amount of staring, but that’s a separate issue from fantasizing being a violation of consent.
3 months

Sighting: see evidence of wg that is a turn-on

I was writing out a nuanced reply, and I decided I should double check my understanding before moving forward. (Hoping quoting people gives them a notification. I forget if it does or not)

It's a consent issue.

Like sure. There are things we find attractive. And sometimes you see a stranger that really revvs your engine.

But you gotta admit it's violating to have someone put you in their spank bank like that.

Munchies, when you say OP’s post is a consent issue and violating, you’re also talking about a moral violation right? As in, it’s morally wrong to fantasize about a stranger like this because they didn’t consent? That’s the landscape of consent (and violations of it) that I’m used to people talking about (i.e., that it is morally wrong to violate consent), but I just want to double check.

Morbidly A Beast:

That’s different than finding someone attractive. That’s fetishizing and kinda messed up.

Similarly, Morbidly A Beast, you’re also addressing a morality angle, right? Like it’s morally okay to feel attraction, but not fetishize? I think that’s what I’m reading, but I just want to double check.
3 months

Sighting: see evidence of wg that is a turn-on

Letters And Numbers:
What’s gross about being attracted to a person you see day to day? Maybe oversharing online is a little weird, but that’s modern life.

Exactly. People's thoughts, fantasies, and personal sexy time are their own business.
3 months

First time funnel advice?

Personally, and esp. if using it solo, I prefer the comically large syringes, like for beer (Bierstick is one brand I've seen, though I just used something generic off amazon). Add a tube (like for a water bladder for hiking), and it's quite comfortable to use! And it's kind of a rush just how fast you can consume things.

Plus, very little risk of spilling--the liquid isn't leaving the syringe unless you push the plunger.
3 months
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