Fantastically speaking ... how fat would you be?

375 would probably be ideal weight.

I know that's pretty tiny compared to some, but to me, that's where you can go no wrong.
5 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

Had a flu the past 36 or so hours. I swear double cream is the only thing saving my gaining.
7 years

Why are you on ff??????

For some fun and advice while I continue my first and only successful venture into getting chubby. I think I also might be here to help get a better sense of confidence, maybe show off once in a little while.
7 years

What were the earliest signs of your fetish?

It almost disgusts me because of who the character is, but I think a description of how much bigger Dudley Dursley had gotten in the last year (to the point where his butt was sagging where it wasn't meeting the seat) started it. I've always had weird fascinations to things that ended up being fetishes.
7 years

How fat would you like to be?

I'm guessing I'll end up at my goal (190 or around that), but essentially I'm hoping to be just chubby enough for my belly to hang by itself, maybe down an inch or so.
7 years

Fat survey

If only that pizza slice at the end was real... It looks sooooo good.
7 years

Strange fetishes related to fat.

When things droop or hang. Bellies, butts, arms, parts of legs if someone's big enough (usually I see that in artwork, though). It kind of sends a message of "There's just so much here that gravity has really taken it"

that and jiggly things. The more there is, the more it jiggles.

So naturally, I'll end up getting turned on more by subcutaneous fat than hugeness based on visceral fat.
7 years

Has anybody ever seen the movie or read the book called "thinner"?

Never read that, but I did read the Goosebumps book "Say Cheese and Die Again" where a character had a similar curse (she kept trying to drink milkshakes as her diet) and the protagonist has the reverse kind of curse and got to a size that would impress many here.
7 years

Weight gain goal for christmas

The last couple weeks saw me regaining the last of what I lost, which was about 10-15 lbs. 165 now. If I can push toward 180 by Christmas, that'll set me toward my final goal nicely.
7 years

Introduction/ say hi thread


FA/feeder who thought to try out this site

How does anything work here? lol

Where my Chicagoland feedees at XD

I used to live in Chicagoland smiley
7 years
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