Hi there! just starting out.

Been wanting to gain for such a long time, but kept losing interest then having it come back. here!

If you have a problem with losing interest, you probably need to gain via changing habits rather than trying to deliberately overstuff yourself. If you can make seconds, desserts and snacks a normal thing that you do without thinking, then even when you've kinda lost focus you'll still put on a few pounds here and there, so that when you do get interested again and check the scale, you'll be starting again from a bigger spot.
9 months

Looking for good video compilations from fit to fat

Search mochii babii on Pornhub and she has a few free ones that show her initial growth.
2 years

How to have enjoyable casual sex?

There are definitely levels between purely casual sex and serious dating. "Friends with benefits" is a phrase that gets used reductively to mean "non-boyfriend you are nonetheless fucking" but if they actually are a friend you can get to know each other over time and do it regularly. It can certainly be a little fraught to keep things stable with neither person tipping into wanting more emotionally, but it's possible if you're both mature, open and communicative.

Finding someone who's suitable for this sort of thing, especially with an unusual kink, can take a while and get frustrating, but I think searching here or other fetish-oriented sites is a good start.
2 years

I want to gain weight but i am scared. what should i do?

Gaining weight turns you on, but how do you feel after you've pleasured yourself? Do you still wish you were fat? If not, then it's best to keep gaining as a fantasy.

This whole post is good advice, but this part especially. There's a big difference between "this turns me on and the idea is sexy" and "I want to change my life to this." Think about whether you have athletic hobbies or a lifestyle/job that involves physical activity and whether you're willing to make those more difficult. Not saying don't do it, but consider the side effects too!

But if you think about all that, then yeah, try relaxing your diet, having whatever you like, and every few pounds reevaluate. There will always be time later to push your limits and blow up if you choose.
3 years

Sex (no creepy reply’s please)

Yeah, definitely own it, and don’t be afraid to dress as sexy as you used to. Also, accept that a given look has a particular audience: the kinds of guys that likes you when you were thinner may prefer the thin look, and now with the extra weight you might attract less physically active sorts who are a bit softer themselves. Of course, anyone might turn out to have chubby girl fetish, and on a site like this that filters for that you can see all kinds of guys. But I’m just saying, don’t be discouraged if a man that found you hot before doesn’t now: you look different. Not worse (better, imo) but different.
5 years