Other places to meet people into feedism

There is also ffambrosia which is designed for Female Fat Admirers and BHMs. It's a small community but it's nice.

As for ffambrosia, is no longer available 😱

Is there any alternatives?
1 week

Anyone looking for a feeding hookup in leeds?

Hey 22M and straight here looking for a hookup with either a feedee, feeder or both in Leeds. Must be 18+

1 week


Ich frage mich, ob es hier auch feedees aus Deutschland oder den NachbarlĂ€ndern gibt. Ich bin ein Ă€lterer und eher dominanter Feeder auf der Suche nach einen weiblichen feedee (alter egal) fĂŒr eine reale Beziehung. Kein cyber-fun sondern nur real

I wonder if here are any feedees from Germany or neighbor countries. I am an older dominant feeder and I am looking for a female feedee any age. I am looking for a real-life relationship ONLY - no online fun.

Why write in different language? I speak multiple languages but not going to write in them as part of honor to others who might not speak the language
1 week

Double chins

Well it new to me but not so rare. I mean, all of sorts of affections are acceptable
1 week

Chat update 27/01/2025 - report bugs here

This has happened a couple of times before but at approx 8:20 EST on Jan 27th I was put into a chat room with an other people. I tried to say something but it did not write there and when I went to the general chat it was there.

Happened before, both before and after the recent upgrade. Can give the names of the people in the chat if needed

FF Team:
Hi, thanks for commenting.

This is a known bug and is not related to the update applied yesterday. The update was focused on foundational work to address chat leak bugs, so unfortunately, these issues will still occur for now.

If you notice anything new or unexpected happening in chat that wasn’t an issue before the update on 27th January 2025, please let us know. I apologise if this wasn’t clear in the original post.

FF Team

I’ll add that the chat room need to be modernised
1 week

Too fat for feeders but too fit for feeders?

Morbidly A Beast:
Also in my experience it seems straight ffa’s are more into already fat guys as opposed to ones who are skinny or want to become fat, i could stand corrected on this but it seems to be the general consensus

There are a good chunk of FFAs who prefer a "blank slate" so to speak. A thin man that they can fatten as much as they'd like. And then there are FFAs like me that don't care about the start weight.

I wish I could meet ffa in person đŸ„ș
1 week

Stoner creations

Anybody who has smoked has at some point made a fun stoned meal. One of my best was a bacon egg and cheese between two cinnamon rolls which was a real gut bomb. Does anybody else have a good stoner meal that they make when trying to stuff?

What do you mean a “real gut bomb”?
1 week

Wife finally a feedee?

She wore a tan sweater dress that she's outgrown the past two years. She paired it with some black yoga pants that are also struggling to be her size now. She works from home so it's really for wearing around the house now. The sweater dress struggled to stay over hips and continually rode up on her hips. After dinner I was pleased to see the sweater dress was now just a sweater.

Today she's wearing those jeans that barely contain her fattened up fupa!

You got any pic?
1 week


omg so sassy lmao


1 week