My ideal body

That is a strange body đź‘€ I prefer more womanly look
1 week

Drawing you, but fatter

I'm interested in doing a lot more drawing again, so would like to draw anyone that would like themselves drawn, but fatter.

I like to try keeping things to realistic proportions, sometimes with a best guess, so you can get an idea of how you'd look. There are some examples in my gallery.

No payment on this at all, this is purely for fun and practice.

Wow! Sounds great, I saw your gallery. you have such a talent!
1 week

Help me



We will never know. She never elaborated, and I don't think I've seen her post since this

1 week

Looking for a new rp partner

Amy Nagle:
Hi I am looking for a new role playing partner. I do all kinds of role plays ranging from family to feederism. I am not particular when it comes to choosing a role playing partner. It can be anyone whether they are experienced or not. I have been through a lot of different role playing partners and none of them have stayed very long so I’m hoping to make a connection with someone

Sounds interesting
1 week

Make stuffed belly more comfortable

I like big, tight bellies, pregnant or just packed with food. My girlfriend knows about this and is very accepting. She sometimes sticks her belly out to tease me. I would love to stuff her face until her belly is tight a then have sex, but she just thinks it's uncomfortable when she is full, which I understand. Any ideas how I could get her more interested and make it less uncomfortable? (Its also not the end of the world if she just doesn't want to) But maybe there is some trick to get her to like it. She likes bdsm

Maybe try to comfort her, and not push too much?
1 week

Sex while stuffed?

yeah i think it's one of those things that sounds much better in theory... or when you're still just on the right side of pleasantly full versus packed to the brim. i tend to feel way too heavy and sleepy and lazy when i've overeaten. movement, or pressure, makes me (even more) uncomfortable at best, sick at worst.

Nailed it. Fortunately for many of us erotic and sensual storytelling avoids the very uncomfortable reality and can be an acceptable substitute if well written as are yours. ;-)

Most feedists are not masochists. So the pain that comes from sex while stuffed isn't pleasant.

As for the masochists, unless you are also into emetophilia (vomit fetish), you gotta be really, really careful.

Yeah, Indeed
1 week

Death/dark feederism chat

Greetings there. I know this might be a controversial topic but I'm looking for like-minded people to discuss the real consequences that come with extreme weight gain, goals, drawbacks and people that are actually willing to go that far. As a feeder myself, the idea of driving someone into their darker desires until they can't stop is really appealing, but I'm curious to hear your thoughts! (Either as a feeder or feede) My pm's are open for further discussion but I'm fine to discuss it here. (I'm kinda new to this site haha) Either way, hope you guys are having a good day/night.

Well, I’ll tell you that: Extreme weight gain, often resulting in obesity, can have severe and far-reaching consequences for an individual's health and well-being, like Cardiovascular Problems and increased risk of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. Metabolic Disorders, sleep apnea, joint pain, and reduced mobility.

The drawbacks of extreme weight gain far outweigh any potential benefits. The health risks are significant and can lead to a reduced quality of life and premature death. Additionally, extreme weight gain can lead to social isolation, discrimination, and difficulty performing everyday tasks.
People Willing to Go That Far
As mentioned earlier, intentional extreme weight gain is rare. I for example open to becoming quite large and overweight, but don’t feel safe enough to go for immobility stage.

Most people who experience intentional extreme weight gaining ignore all these consequences to health. Medically, extreme weight gain is considered as unhealthy, so the right partner is an important issue that must be addressed.
1 week

Share your dark fantasies

I guess I have two? One either that I’m secretly being made to gain weight. Weight gain powder snuck into meals, extra baked goods and calories at my side at all times. Secret weight gain supplements that will increase appetite and/or slow metabolism. I’ll deny the gain for a bit but won’t be long until I find it hard to shed off the pounds. Or give in.

The other is definitely darker, it’s literally the idea of me being kidnapped and force fed. Helplessly tied up and made to eat far too much fatty foods or guzzle down thickening milk shakes through a tube, done either from my captor’s hands or hooked up to a machine. Nothing to do but give up and allow my body to swell painfully and handsomely. Eventually becoming too heavy to move, so the restraints really aren’t necessary anymore.
God I wanna try funnel feeding…

Oh that sounds wonderful
1 week

Farm pig fantasy

I can't stop thinking about a scenario where I'm trapped by a sadistic farmer who wants to grow me into a fat juicy hog ready for the dinner table. I'd be kept in a pen too low to stand in so I wouldn't be able to walk around. My muscles would become like melted butter as I was fed all day long. A tube of shake would always be available to me and my trough would be filled three times a day with fresh greasy, sugary slop. At first I wouldn't want to eat everything but the appetite stimulates snuck in my food would eventually compel me to eat until I was unable to crawl. I would gain hundreds of pounds of blubber all over my body, looking more like a pig each hour. Daily I would be put on a scale and weighed, have my thick pork belly measured with calipers, and mercilessly teased for growing so patheticly, helplessly fat. There would always be the looming threat of the slaughterhouse once I got huge enough to be a perfect prized sow. Any feeders with fantasies like this?

sounds amazing

As a fantasy it sounds great
1 week
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