Greetings there. I know this might be a controversial topic but I'm looking for like-minded people to discuss the real consequences that come with extreme weight gain, goals, drawbacks and people that are actually willing to go that far. As a feeder myself, the idea of driving someone into their darker desires until they can't stop is really appealing, but I'm curious to hear your thoughts! (Either as a feeder or feede) My pm's are open for further discussion but I'm fine to discuss it here. (I'm kinda new to this site haha) Either way, hope you guys are having a good day/night.
Well, I’ll tell you that: Extreme weight gain, often resulting in obesity, can have severe and far-reaching consequences for an individual's health and well-being, like Cardiovascular Problems and increased risk of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. Metabolic Disorders, sleep apnea, joint pain, and reduced mobility.
The drawbacks of extreme weight gain far outweigh any potential benefits. The health risks are significant and can lead to a reduced quality of life and premature death. Additionally, extreme weight gain can lead to social isolation, discrimination, and difficulty performing everyday tasks.
People Willing to Go That Far
As mentioned earlier, intentional extreme weight gain is rare. I for example open to becoming quite large and overweight, but don’t feel safe enough to go for immobility stage.
Most people who experience intentional extreme weight gaining ignore all these consequences to health. Medically, extreme weight gain is considered as unhealthy, so the right partner is an important issue that must be addressed.