Appetite stimulants

try MSG monosodium glutamate its common in food
12 years

Stuffing clothes

I to did this.
well type more win I get the chance.
12 years

Belly growing and temp

it mite just be the heat from digestion
14 years

Help boosting my girlfriend's confidence.

say something like this
"Your belly looks so nice"
She mite grumble something about "I don't want to be fat"
then You say something like "I well love You no matter what size You are. but You mind If I have a little fun with Your fat be for You loose it"
or maybe You could try giving her a little belly rub.
or maybe try sweeping her off her feet.
BE ONIST with her!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and just bee your self.
14 years

Anyone tried saline?

for women there is the 9 month way.
but if your seeking to inflate without the 18 year commitment there are better web sites for saline infusions. has the only form on this that I know of.
I strongly advise against doing any infusion.
its dangerous.
but its your body do what you want.
I think that the 18 year commitment would be better.
as for me I plan to have kids as soon as I am able to pay for them smiley
I hope this helps you.
14 years

Article on anti-fat prejudice

this seems to describe exactly how the fat police work.
14 years

Want some help

Iv heard olive oil is good for weight gain and healthy to.
if You can stand the taste.
14 years

Weight gain excel sheet

pleas try adding thees

BMI=([Weight lbs]/2.2)/([Height inches]*0.0254*[Height inches]*0.0254)

bast on
=IF([BMI]<17.5,"anorexia",IF([BMI]>60,"!?!",IF([BMI]>50,"super obese",IF([BMI]>40,"morbidly obese",IF(OR($K$8="F",$K$8="f"smiley,IF([BMI]<19.1,"underweight",IF([BMI]<25.8,"in normal range",IF([BMI]<32.3,"overweight","obese"smiley)),IF([BMI]<20.7,"underweight",IF([BMI]<26.4,"in normal range",IF([BMI]<31.1,"overweight","obese"smiley)))))))

forgiv my speling
15 years

Weight gain excel sheet

nicely dun thank you smiley
15 years
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