Fat quiz

For me it was The Ultimate gainer (the fat lover)
6 years

Heavy cream

It's a magic substance that if taken on top of your ordinary diet will definitely make you gain weight!
(Actually Heavy Cream is a term used in the US. We call it Double Cream here in the UK - It's just rich cream)
6 years

What foods cause the greatest weight gain?

If I'm seriously gaining, I have 150g of peanuts and 2 litres of whole milk a day (that is around 2000 calories) in addition to what I normally eat. Soon packs on the pounds. Have tried heavy cream but I find it makes me very hot and sweaty at night.
6 years

Best small cars in uk for fat people

Honda Jazz has lots of room for a small car. Good for tall people too. Plenty of headroom. My wife has one and she's a 21 stone 5 foot 6.
6 years

Christmas treats

Egg Nog, is really calorie dense, a good choice. My wife baked a lot this Christmas. She made Reese's cup in dough cup, 'kiss cookies, a peanut butter base cookie with a hersheys kiss on top, those are favorites for me and go right to my waist/belly. Good luck, eat up!

Unfortunately it's difficult to get Egg Nog here in the UK. Been feasting on nuts however and weight at a new high - up 2Kg already since last week!
6 years

Christmas treats

What is your favourite Christmas food for weight gaining? I love pigs in blankets personally, closely followed by Christmas pudding with loads of cream.
6 years

What weight would classify someone as thick?

I personally do not like the term "thick," and there is no scientific definition of it. The reason I don't like the term, is because it is usually used for a mostly two dimensional item, such as plywood or a flat steak. Something that is round or spherical is usually not called "thick."

I definitely prefer Plump to Thick. Thick implies mental denseness (stupidity) in the UK.
6 years

Inflation progress and wanting more, much more...

I read that the average stomach can hold around 2 litres (that would be 67 US OZ). Mine can hold around 4 litres (134 oz) of non-gassy fluid at a push. I think your problem with beer and fizzy stuff will be the gas. If you can burp it off effectively it could be a goer. I guess with training your stomach could hold more but be careful.
6 years

Last gaining run. i need tips.

I would agree that whole milk is about the cheapest relatively healthy source of calories. If you can get down 2 litres each day (spread out) on top of your normal eating, you are bound to gain. Nuts are good too. Peanuts are cheap but best go for the unsalted type (or wash off the salt) if consuming a lot of them. 150g of peanuts plus 2 litres milk works out at about 2,200 cals.
6 years

Winter coat getting tighter

Most definitely! Put on a 3XL fleece that had loads of room last year (40 lbs ago) and it's now very tight. Have ordered 4XL for this year! I just love growing out of things.
6 years