Anyone else really love their man boobs?

Really like them! Love the way they rub my shirt when walking. Also love stretching first thing in the morning and feeling the tightness of the fat stretching them out a bit more.
6 years

Fat distribution when gaining quickly

I find that when I gain quickly for a short time (I just gained 8 lbs in a week) I get a hard ball belly, that is the fat all seems to go just to the inside of my belly. I can't continue gaining because the gut pressure gets too high (acid reflux problems). After a week or two, I start to feel softer in other places and the belly gets less hard. I can then hopefully get on with gaining again.

Does anyone else find this too?
6 years

How much can i gain in a month?

It is possible to gain maybe as much as 20-25 lbs in a month - I have done this using the GOMAD (gallon of milk a day) method. However it may need some working up to if you have not seriously gained before.
6 years

It’s not the size that matters, it’s where the fat gathers

I agree. However it does not seem to be possible to control where the fat goes. In my case it goes mostly inside creating a hard ball pregnant-looking belly whereas I would prefer the soft squishy stuff more evenly distributed.
6 years

How much weight can you gain in a week?

Although weight will often increase quickly at first (water gain) I've found it takes up to 2 weeks of big eating (maybe 4000-5000 cals per day) in order to see significant and lasting fat gain. Great when it does appear though!
6 years

Cheap foods from dollar general?

Don't forget whole milk or heavy cream. Both excellent for gaining and cheap.
6 years

What is the best way to start gaining?

If you like drinking whole milk and you are not lactose intolerant then that is a good way to gain. Drink a lot throughout the day on top of all your normal meals. I would suggest up to 2 litres (4US pints) per day.
6 years

Gomad diet (gallon of milk a day)

I'd say it is very effective. I have gained at least 20 lbs after doing GOMAD on whole milk for 4 weeks. That's the quickest I've ever gained. I'm giving it a rest now though. Don't try and drink it all at once and spread out over the day. Make sure you are not too far from a toilet as that is a lot of liquid.
6 years
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