Video's you'd love to see?

From somebody trained in film -- be contentious of your sound and if you can invest in an external microphone and mixer (ie a boom mic). Sound quality and poor lighting tie for most common mistakes that take you out of it.
5 years

Holiday weight gain goals

Aiming for at least 10 pounds here! I've got a freakishly fast metabolism though haha
5 years

Italics and bold

Do you find italics and bold in novels? In real books of literature, printed on paper?

It might be that a whole 500-page novel could realistically use special script for a sentence or two in total, but on this site it would be abused so much, that maybe it's better this way.

There's a hilarious note on use of italics in the prologue to one of my favourite books accusing readers of being blasé.

I wonder if it's a modern literature thing that it's fallen out of favour with modern tastes. The exception to that would be poetry which I would argue uses more italics and bold than it used to due to the partially visual nature of some modern poems.

Agreed though: on this sight, they are used too much.
5 years

Fantasy vs irl

I've got a real life partner I met on a site like this and we always cook when we see each other. Day to day life is like any other I guess.

They eat all the time. I'm trying to gain myself and find with my job (which involves running around and lifting heavy objects) it's quite difficult. But the food and cuddles are always lovely when we're around one another!

Online interactions are usually shorter, and in my experience harder to maintain. It's harder for me at least to be on my phone very frequently and responding to people texting me every or every other day. Real life gets in the way. I always find it easier to maintain interactions face to face

That said, I it would be fun to meet other feeders or feedees that my partner and I saw on a regular basis just to be friends with. Not all of this kink is entirely sexual since weight gain is more of a lifestyle commitment than a one night stand kinda thing. There's lots of small lovely moments that you definitely can't get interacting exclusively online.
5 years

Fantastically speaking ... how fat would you be?

Fantastically speaking (I'm just looking to add a bit at the momebt) I'd probably settle for like, 220. Enough for a nice rubbery gut that hangs down and jiggles but allows enough mobility to still kick ass smiley

For my partner -- man like 800 would be awesome. A giant belly to just fall in and snuggle~
5 years

How do you continue an online conversation?

I'll say this as a guy who is ridiculously bad at keeping in touch and keeping up with online people -- if you got a good vibe like you got on with each other then you can probably just shoot them a message again and say hello.

If you don't get a response either a) they're busy and taking ages to respond or b ) aren't interested.

If you got a vibe like you didn't have much in common beyond feederism, then it's possible they just weren't interested.

But the best way to go about it is to ask. I find that keeping up with people from here is easiest on an app like telegram or kik that has instant messaging.

Hope that helps!
5 years

How to increase capacity and foods that keep a long time?

Hey all,
So I'm trying to fatten up, but I'm ridiculously tiny at the moment. I've tried to gain in the past but have two issues.

1. I have no time to cook which makes eating large amounts of food difficult.

2. I have a ridiculously small capacity. (like, I struggle to eat 2,500 calories in a day)

Which leads to dual questions:

1. Does anybody have any advice on how to up capacity? How can I make myself hungrier without getting my insulin incredibly out of whack and not spend loads of time eating? (I work an active job and don't have the "snack throughout the day option" a lot of people do)

2. Does anyone know good recipes or how to cook large amounts of food that last for a long time in the freezer or otherwise?

Thanks in advance!
5 years

Any queer fas/feedees/feeders out there?

Bisexual Trans guy here. I've historically been a feeder but I'm hoping to grow a gut of my own ~ Bit of both I guess
5 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

Has anyone else experienced significant changes in cholesterol due to heavy cream?

This summer in late May I drank about 1-2 cups a day for 10 days. I then took some time off cuz I was freaking out. My body was getting squishy. I dunno, I guess I didn't expect fat to feel that way! I've always been thin and athletic. So I switched to eating a lot of ice cream all summer due to having my wisdom teeth taken out, but wasn't eating the ice cream in hopes of gaining, just to survive

Later, in early July I had routine bloodwork done. Every year my "bad" LDL has been about 80 but this time it shot up to 100. Meanwhile, my "good" HDL has always been about 50 but dropped to 35

Anyone else notice changes in their bloodwork due to cream?

I recently started cream again about 5 days ago and am kind of freaking out. I barely checked my lab results today and am scared to do more damage

I mean, it makes sense. Things wit high fat content can screw with your chloresteral pretty bad (like cream, milk, etc.)

You could try eating oatmeal, avacados, etc. to kind of help bring it down a bit and maybe lay off cream? If you're scared for your health don't feel bad about backing off something.

Good luck!
5 years
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