Belly play

Oh yeah, I love to jiggle my belly! It's so big and soft, feeling it wobble around is incredibly hot. I also like resting my hands on my upper roll.
6 years

What all pm services do you use?

I prefer Discord. I can type faster and easier on a full sized keyboard, but it also has a mobile app in case the other party wants to use their phone.
6 years

What is the worst thing about being obese?

My blood pressure is now in the high range, ugh. I plan to do more yoga

I don't know about yoga, but I cut a lot of salt out of my diet and started swimming 3 times a week. Even while gaining, my blood pressure improved.

Good to know! Right now I can only swim in summer, can't afford a membership to a gym with an indoor pool. But if the yoga doesn't work maybe I'll try cooking at home more and use the money I save toward pool access. (I have a great weakness for Asian food and so far cooking it myself hasn't worked out so well. smiley )
6 years

I feel like i need to drop this fetish, but i can't.

It seems like 80% of the community is men and the remaining 20% are women that are comfortable enough to admit they like this kind of thing.

This has been my observation too, and I think it has to do with the different ways modern society treats men and women. Men are told that their worth depends on their bank account. Looks aren't considered as important, so you don't get hounded as much about your weight.

Women are told that their worth depends on their looks. From the time we are little girls, we are constantly fed a narrative of "skinny is pretty, fat is ugly". Even when we want to make a living with our brains or our hands, conventionally pretty women are often hired sooner and treated better by superiors. In many cases this is an unconscious bias rather than deliberate action.

It takes a lot of introspection, finding the fat acceptance community, and a willingness to take risks in order for a woman to embrace her fat. I had an advantage in that I had years of therapy for depression, and one of the things my therapist worked on me with was learning to love myself just the way I am.

Most women never get that. It's a hard, hard thing to let go of the fantasy that if I can be thin, I can be happy. That the ONLY way to be happy is to be thin. And the worst part about that fantasy is that it sounds plausible but it's made of pure lies. Changing your body's size and shape won't necessarily make you happier. You have to examine yourself, your mind and emotions, to figure out what will really make you happy. If it's something taboo, like a love for delicious food and soft fat on yourself or your partner, embracing it will be a big risk.

So yeah. That's my amateur psychologist opinion of why you find so many more men than women in the FA and feedism communities.
6 years

Gainers buffalo chicken chili

Ooh, this sounds delicious! I love Buffalo chicken anything.
6 years

What is the worst thing about being obese?

My blood pressure is now in the high range, ugh. I plan to do more yoga; if sumo wrestlers can fight and stay fat, I see no reason why I can't do yoga and stay fat. Hopefully that will help enough to get it back down into the 'normal' range.
6 years

Increasing her appetite.

It may seem a bit counterintuitive, but she should take up swimming. Not only is it fun, post-swim munchies are INTENSE. I always try to schedule my swims to end right before mealtime because without fail, I will get out of the pool and be ready to eat the fridge bare. She doesn't have to do laps the whole time, I sure don't. Float, do cannonballs (fat people cannonballs are the best!), dive for those weighted sticks or rings at the bottom. As long as most of your body is in the water you'll be building up that hunger.

And being exceptionally hungry helps you eat more than you normally would before the body's "FULL" signal goes off.
6 years

High calorie food?

Do you have a good Indian lunch buffet nearby? Most American Indian restaurants lean heavily toward Punjabi-type dishes with delicious creamy sauces. Before I moved I went to the Indian lunch buffet at least once a week... not the most cost-effective, but so yummy and fattening! The manager and owner love me, hahaha!

You might also check out family-owned Chinese restaurants. (i.e. not Panda Express) Most that I've been to serve lovely huge portions, perhaps because it's meant to be eaten family-style.

And if you have the time, get into cooking! The fat cook stereotype exists for a reason. Particularly baking, once you get the hang of it your own homemade cookies will be both cheaper and tastier than the ones at the grocery store. Plus you can have cookie dough this way! This is my favorite baking blog: The Soft & Thick Snickerdoodles are to DIE for. Soft little cinnamon-sugar-butter pillows of love and calories!
6 years

Secrete gainer

I don't even want to imagine what my friends and family would say if I told them! They would probably stage an intervention or something. And really, my sexual preferences are none of their business. The only people who know are those I've met through the online FA and feedism communities.

I am unfortunately.

And its not just a fetish for me, I had lost weight and felt so incomplete and empty I couldn't stand it. Getting bigger just feels like I'm filling out myself to where I'm suppose to be. Its a weird feeling.

Trying to explain this to someone who isn't an FA/Gainer seems near impossible without getting an ear full of the same old BS like "haven't you thought about your health?"

Wish I could just order the amount of food I want at a restaurant without getting looks from my family and friends.

I felt the same way in my extreme dieting phase! Everyone was cheering me on, telling me how pretty I was, guys were hitting on me... and I just felt so small and vulnerable. Seats were harder, I got colder easier, I bruised more severely. I didn't feel like me when I was thin.

And I hear you about eating with family! I don't dare eat until I'm completely full when my family is around unless there's a big party or football game or something to distract them from my plate. (Or unless it's Thanksgiving or Christmas. Even the chronic dieters go all out for those.)

Thank goodness my friends are understanding, none of them say a thing when I chow down at a buffet. One of them even gives me her extra food at restaurants, she's a petite person with a tiny appetite and doesn't like to waste food. I love going out to eat with her!
6 years

How is your range of body jiggliness since you pile on pounds?

Until I got into the 250+ range, I actually didn't eat more than my much smaller mom and sister. I think it's partially due to me jacking up my metabolism with diets in my teens and early twenties, part genetic (most women on Mom's side are chubby and pear-shaped), and part the medications I started taking at 13. If I was following mainstream portion sizes and nutritional guidelines I would still probably be hovering around 225 unless I did seriously hardcore dieting and daily cardio.

But, well... I like to eat. I decided that I would rather be happy and take the risk of dying young than be miserable and live to 100. And once I decided to stop dieting for good, to eat whatever I want (within my budget) and only stop when I feel full, I slowly got fatter and fatter.

I don't usually stuff myself; I don't find that sensation enjoyable. But over time I've found my portions gradually increasing. Now I can eat almost twice as much as my mother and sister without feeling uncomfortable!

Do I? Not when I'm around family and there isn't a big party or something to distract them from watching my plate, but when I'm alone or with more understanding company, hell yes. The freedom and comfort of a full belly is incredible after so many years of depriving myself.
6 years