Movement changes?

I started waddling a few months back. My thighs are huge, like gotitwantit. Lately I've noticed that it's getting much harder to put my foot up on the opposing thigh to buckle my sandals or put on socks. There's too much fat on my legs! I have to bend over and do it on the floor, which presents its own problems in the form of my belly.
6 years

How to put on weight?

Go slowly, OP. It's less strain on both your mind and your body. Nibble throughout the day, and have a midnight snack right before bed. Make sure to still include fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in your diet alongside the fat, sugar, and carbs. You can make them into yummy fattening things like strawberry milkshakes or vegetable korma! But you do need the vitamins and fiber.

If you have the time and money for ingredients, consider learning how to cook the things that you really love eating at restaurants. The stereotype of the fat cook exists for a reason! smiley
6 years

What was the moment that made you think, "damn, i'm fat?"

When most car seats started getting uncomfortable for me. I am very pear-shaped, so my butt, hips, and thighs take up a lot of space. I have to sit with my butt and hip hanging over the far edge of the seat, if I try and sit squarely in the middle the seat belt buckle digs into my hip. Larger vehicles tend to be more roomy, but most people I know have smaller, more economical cars.

And when the bathroom scale said "ERR" when I tried to weigh myself. It had a 300 lb capacity!
6 years

How is your range of body jiggliness since you pile on pounds?

I've still got some muscle tone underneath the fat, which I want because moving this much flab around is work! But you would never be able to tell just by looking. At 355 more than half my body is made of soft flabby fat and I'm still growing.

The most jiggly parts of my are my thighs, belly, and butt. I love how my hanging belly flops and wobbles now as I go down the stairs! And driving over bumpy roads is a real treat, I can see and feel fat all over me jiggle like crazy.

It's not all sunshine and pizza, though. Stairs are definitely getting harder; I need to step up my yoga practice and do more leg exercises. Clothes are both hard to find and expensive. Many doctors are rude and unhelpful to fat people. And as my appetite grows, it's starting to cost more to feed myself. I might have to slow my roll in the new year, at least until I get more money.
6 years

Tips to rewire my brain as a gainer

Have a wide variety of food available, don't try and eat a huge amount of one thing unless you REALLY love it. I get bored with too much of the same food and want to stop eating it before I'm completely full. What really makes me want to stuff myself is having several different dishes to try.

Keep snacks by your computer and/or TV. Previous posters were so right, it's incredibly easy to plow through a family size bag of chips while watching a show or reading stuff online!
6 years

Ripped clothes...

My thunder thighs destroy pants and shorts like nothing else. I've figured out how to mend the holes, but it doesn't look very nice.
6 years

How many pieces of furniture have you broken with your weight?

My desk chair is in the process of breaking. It's been creaking and groaning for quite a while. Then a fastener popped off last week and now I have to be very careful how I sit, or the groaning becomes truly alarming! I hope it holds out until I can afford a reinforced chair.
6 years

How many times have you been told to lose weight?

Oh my god, so many times. My mom is the worst about it. I've told her I don't want to hear it, but she just won't listen. I love her dearly though... I guess everyone has a few bad habits. At least the rest of my family doesn't say anything about my weight.

I get grief from doctors too, but honestly, at my weight that's their job. They're trying to make me healthy because that's what doctors do. As long as they're not nasty or condescending about it I don't care.
6 years

So what games are you playing?

Guild Wars 2, loving the new expansion!
6 years

Increased appetite

This is happening to me too. A meal that was once way too much now fills me up comfortably with a little room to spare for dessert.
6 years