Fedee + in-shape feeder

Not opposed to a chubby partner but for sure the “fit” muscular partner in contrast to my flabby, out of shape body is a turn on.
4 years

Are there any yo-yo gainers here?

I go through periods of yo-yoing. Usually I get really into eating and reading about gaining and generally excited about stuffing my face and outgrowing my clothes. Then I will freak myself out about how much I’ve gained and go on a bit of a crash diet. That can’t last forever though and I fall back into eating and gaining. Usually I gain about 20-30, then lose 10-15 so each round I’m ending up with an extra 10-15 lbs even after my diet
4 years

Cutting the brakes?

I know some people here have spoken about how once you start gaining, it can be difficult to stop even if you try. Is it possible to do things that would make that point come faster, or is it something that can only happen naturally over time from extended periods of overeating or from aging?

Gaining weight is exciting for me but right now it is still a chore to eat enough to accomplish it. I’d be satisfied with becoming what is referred to here as a “letting-goer,” and just be able to gain weight by eating whatever I want. What I really wish to become someday, though, is a person who not only can gain weight without trying, but who cannot help but gain more and more weight even when trying desperately to lose it. I want to hit a point where I can never be thin again no matter what I do. I want to change my habits and/or metabolism so completely and irreversibly that once I reach my goal weight and try to stop, I just keep gaining anyway and find that all my weight loss efforts end in failure even though it used to be so easy to lose weight.

This is where I hope to get too... perfect description
4 years

How unhealthy is being an bbw/ssbbw, really?

From research I’ve done, barring preexisting health issues or other unhealthy habits it seems the most important predictor of health at any weight is having a balanced diet and moderate exercise, and to not gain or lose weight too fast.

I think it would be difficult to get really fat that way, but if you managed to then you would probably still be pretty healthy unless you were dealing with other factors like drug use or preexisting health issues. There’s a reason a lot of studies show average size and slightly overweight people to be healthier than either underweight or obese people on average, a balanced lifestyle like that will usually make someone average sized or slightly overweight instead of very skinny or very fat.

Being too skinny can be very unhealthy, too, I have nearly been hospitalized for it in the past and I have long term health damage from it even now that I’m in the normal range. I’ll probably never fully recover from some of it, particularly the damage to my bone density. I think that most of the time, the point at which your weight itself (and not just the potentially unhealthy things you do to get to that weight and maintain it) becomes a big risk is when you go extreme, like when I got down to 90 pounds or when someone is so fat they’re near immobility.

Things like eating lots of junk food or being sedentary are of course bad for you even if you don’t gain any weight from them. So are a lot of other things people do all the time, though, so I think what’s most important is to keep an eye on your health and clean up your lifestyle if your health starts getting worse than you think is worth it. I think unless you have naturally very low blood pressure, that’s probably the most important number to keep an eye on for most people.

For me, gaining weight rapidly and eating junk food is worth it even though it is not good for my health. Right now, it’s safer for me than not trying to gain, because when I don’t pay a lot of attention to increasing my daily calories I sometimes end up only eating a few hundred a day and then I lose way too much weight very fast and get sick. I do not enjoy eating aside from as a tool to gain weight, I just really dislike the taste or texture of 99% of foods, and so it’s difficult for me to motivate myself to eat at all if it won’t make me gain. I do keep an eye on my bloodwork, blood pressure, how I generally feel, etc, so that if anything starts looking really bad I can make changes.

If you want to gain weight in as healthy a way as possible though, it’s safest to gain slowly by eating a balanced healthy diet with just enough calories to make you gain 1 or 2 pounds a week while also doing a little exercise. Maintaining or losing weight in a healthy way is the same, too, just with the amount of calories adjusted accordingly.

I think the unhealthy out of control aspect is one of the things I like most about gaining. What fun is eating healthy and exercising? The whole point for me is increasing laziness and eating whatever I want whenever I want it!
4 years

Humiliation & submission

This is the dream isn’t it?
4 years

Lets play a game of never have i ever (for feedees and gainers)

1. Been fed IRL
no, someday hopefully

2. Ate myself to sleep

3. Had sex while being fed at the same time

4. Stolen food because I‘m just a piggy

5. Been called a fat name in public
No unfortunately

6. Had a stranger pat or poke my belly
Yes! Thought I was pregnant!

7. Been fatter than my current weight

8. Ripped clothes or popped a button

9. Broken furniture because of my weight
No but it’s a goal

10. Seen an actual pig and got turned on

11. Fantasized about immobility
All the time

12. Ate until I threw up

13. Got stuck somewhere because of my size

14. Posted nudes of myself online
not fully nude

15. Been fed online

16. Been told I need to lose weight by a family member
No but I did get a lot of diet and exercise books for Christmas

17. Had a partner who worshiped my fat

18. Started rubbing my belly in public

19. Been called a pig
not IRL

20. Been weighed and measured by my partner

21. Been in a gaining competition with another gainer
4 years

Too fat for sex - anyone experienced this?

The idea of getting too fat for sex is a twisted turn on for me actually. My strange desires getting me to the point they can no longer be satisfied.
4 years

Why do you want to be immobile

By eating myself to immobility I would have destroyed myself with gluttony. It’s just so sinfully sexy!
5 years

Reckless gaining

This sounds dangerous and unbelievably sexy. I could absolutely see myself losing all self control
5 years

What do you guys think of health issues?

I’m ashamed to say this is a huge turn on for me. I’m still relatively small but the idea of giving in so completely to my gluttonous desires that I actually ruin my body and health is unbelievably hot
5 years
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