Where to stream a stuffing session

If I show u maybe u can do a stuffing rn?
2 years

Where to stream a stuffing session

I want to stream me stuffing myself silly anyone know a good place to do that?

Go live on Kik I Wana see u stuffing urself please?
2 years

Cali meet ups

Los angeles here
2 years

Where are all the 40+ folks hiding?

I’m 43

Your more attractive than girls my ages you STILL got it beautiful ❤️
2 years

Overwhelming horniness when eating

Wish I had a girl like you,
2 years

Looking for a male feedee

I'm not into this st all, i would never ruin my figure but it's arousing the simple fact that you control s part of my life being my body and i have no will power. .if love for you to ruin my athletic body I've always here. skinny
3 years

Anyone else turned off by partner exercising?

Workout at the gym and then stuff yourself when you get home, making the gym pointless haha
omg yes such a turn off ewwww
3 years

Tips for doing a 10k all day stuffing?

I’m hoping to do an all day feeding that exceeds 10K calories. I’ve never done this before and I was wondering if anyone had any tips/tricks/cheats. No suggestion is too dumb or out there. Anything from preparation to food choice to appetite supplements, to techniques to promote digestion. Thanks in advance!

How about you chugs weight gain shakes, spread butter on anythingyou at eat lots of bread to absorb what you chug. When your too stuffed to eat anymore, sleep then keep going and repeat. Take pain killers to easethefull yfeelingand for urself even if it hurts
4 years