Being humiliated

Once I was wearing a shirt that was tight and when I was about to sit down it pop but only the chest part would expose everything , It was very humiliating but something hot
5 years

Size comparison who prefers to be bigger than their partner and why?

I like a women with a belly many times bigger than mine. Feeling the weight on top of me is attractive.

Agree 🙌🏽🙌🏽
5 years

What's your favorite part of being obese?

That my belly and moobs hang out and jiggle all the time. Also to eat a lot of food and feel so full that you feel your belly will pop . Rub and enjoy your own fat is so good🙌🏽
5 years

Reasons behind your name?

Aggron because is my favorite Pokémon 😁
5 years

Bmi. what's yours?

35 🙌🏽🙌🏽 Fat and obese
5 years

You know you're fat when:

When you are full and want more food
5 years


I like my moobs at the beginning was hard to accept it that I have it but now I love my moobs and my body 😁
5 years

How big is your belly ?

So big , like 25%
5 years