I’m so done with chatting to people in this community…


Thanks for the advice. For the conversations I did have, I’ve tried every single approach. No-one is perfect, I get that. But after countless of interactions gone to waste this one just left a bad taste.

I understand how you feel. It's why I don't go into chat very often unless I am going to chat with a specific person/people.

Some advice:

If the conversation fizzles out, or the other person hasn't responded back to you, just move on. If something came up, they will let you know. Otherwise, they don't respect your time.

State your intentions upfront. If you wanna get to know a person first, or just be horny in DMs, say so (politely). Of they aren't interested, then you can respect each other's time and move on.

No relationship (platonic, romantic, sexual) works well without a firm foundation. If all you do is feedist stuff, you're building a house on sand. Make a connection first and maintain it.

Thanks for the advice. Maybe I just need to go into a conversation asking what they want, getting to know each other or just fat talk.
1 year

I’m so done with chatting to people in this community…


Thanks for the advice. For the conversations I did have, I’ve tried every single approach. No-one is perfect, I get that. But after countless of interactions gone to waste this one just left a bad taste.
1 year

I’m so done with chatting to people in this community…

Oh no I never ment to come across like needy, impatient or the fact that she needs to talk to me. If she had said she was doing something I would have left her alone. I just had the messenger app on feabie space out on me before, I explained that to her. And I only asked if she was there once, after the hour+ wait. Just because I found it odd. I’ve apologized if I came across that way too.
1 year

I’m so done with chatting to people in this community…

I just have to get this off my chest.
I’ve been active in this community for 5 years. I’m a shy person, I don’t get the courage to message someone very often. I’ve had some ‘friends’ in the community that all left. I’ve had months long conversations, encouraging peoples weight gain, when all of the sudden they start to gain massive amounts of weight. Turning out they were never gaining in the first place.
Whenever I try to reach out I get ghosted or trolled.
This morning a girl messages me. She made a comment to it being rare that she found a feedee near her. I cleared up that what shows on my profile wont be correct in about 4 weeks. Because I will move. I’m asking some basic questions to get to know her. Didn’t feel like going straight to the feederism talk was the move here. All I know because I asked / talked about is that she’s still in school, she’s 20 and that where I will live is further away than what shows on my profile. She doesn’t want to tell me exactly where she lives, which I fully respect. She only told me a rough part of a country.
While still being online she stops responding for over an hour. I ask if she’s still there because I found it odd she didn’t reply for so long. And next thing I know she’s mad at me.
She wants to get to know each other over a longer period, which is fine. Just say that! Like did I do anything wrong here? I’m showing interest in getting to know her by asking some very basic things you ask pretty much anyone when first meeting them. And then she threatens to stop talking and asks me if I want to get ghosted. I have apologized for being impatient.

This happens every time I talk to someone other than a horny old dude that wants to get off. Five years and I haven’t met a single person that can converse and act like a normal human being.

I’m just trying to find friends, to find someone to share my gain with. To find a feeder that is interested in helping me gain without having to spend money.

Maybe it is me, but if it is I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing wrong.
1 year

Tips to keep gaining

Things I have heard that might help;

Taking a step back or even losing some pounds to then go back at it at full force. Sometimes all you need is a little rebooting of the system.

Make times you eat unpredictable. Don’t have set times to eat. Change it up every day. Some days you might want to hold out as long as you can and then stuff yourself silly. I’ve heard people say it will put your body in survival mode and hold on to every calorie it can.

Option three, go full force! Try to really maximize the calorie intake. Eat like you normally would but add calories by drinking weight gain shakes (literally searching the term ‘weight gain shake recipe’ will get you what you want) or even melted ice cream.

Get as full as possible right before bed, that’s a classic one.

Don’t forget the bigger she gets, the more calories she needs to gain. Has she increased the amount she eats in the past years?

Can’t confirm the effectiveness of these tips, this is just what I could come up with from the top of my head.
1 year

Control my diet for a week

I can’t stand the taste of heavy cream, but thanks for the help
1 year

Control my diet for a week

Any help is always welcome 😊
1 year

Control my diet for a week

I’m ultimately looking for a feeder, but I haven’t been very successful. As I haven’t been gaining despite trying, I am also hoping that people come with idea’s to what I could/need to eat to gain.
1 year

Gaining weight in more feminine areas

You can’t control where you gain fat. Your body has a way of storing fat that you can’t change by eating certain foods. At the end of the day, all those foods will be converted in the same fat that gets stored in fat cells.
1 year

Control my diet for a week

I’m looking to gain, but it ain't going too well. I’ve tried shakes, but I can’t stand the taste. So I thought about a little experiment. I’ll let someone control what I eat for breakfast, dinner and snacks for one whole week long (maybe I’ll do this more often).

Only restrictions are:
- keep it realistic
- I have a budget I can’t go over
- I have limited takeout options and can’t cook
- I eat dinner at lunch at work, so my dinner in the evening is either takeout or lunch food.
- I don’t have all day to eat, I work from 08:00 till 16:00. (8am - 4pm)
1 year
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