Risks of being on hrt and starting to gain weight.

I've been on T for 9 years and the past 2-3 have had a weight 60-70lbs higher than my starting weight. Having the proper amount of hormones won't make you more likely to have blood sugar issues. There aren't any specific factors that will make you significantly more likely to have any adverse effect from testosterone than a cisgender man. I'm in the US and weight comes to play more in surgery approvals than hrt.
1 year


I'm a man of trans experience. I've noticed with hormones and surgeries that this was something I desired to do because I no longer worried about dysphoria or that the extra weight would prevent me from passing. I also like feeling bigger, Im really short and being bigger helps me not feel small. The only time I've really put things on hold and lost weight was for lower surgery and I think it was worth it, though I've gone into my repairs progressively heavier.
5 years

Anyone gain a lot unintentionally?

I went from a pretty muscular toned guy to a noticeably chubby guy in the past year and a half from my previous high weight I lost 30lbs for surgery and dealing with complications that have left me unable to workout I gained about 40 pounds unintentionally, then about 10 by putting effort into gaining because I like having a soft belly and just felling bigger and no another 12 by just living not putting any effort into anything.
I enjoy a lot of aspects about the change though I wish I could build back a lot of the muscle mass that I've lost, but hopefully that will happen in a couple months, but I still struggle especially buying clothes. I've never had to get clothes this big and find myself embarrassed by it as well as not being able to hide my stomach anymore. It's also odd because I've run into people and just feel weird knowing I look different or talking with my surgeon, more along the lines of I guess we've both been enjoying the holidays type stuff, it's really an odd mix of embarrassment and confidence. I'm shooting to stay within 10 pounds of where I'm at right now until I can start lifting again.
5 years

Does anyone else want to gain but feel like they can't?

I'm currently in the process of a multi stage procedure and while I'm not allowed to lose weight I can't gain any more weight because of future surgeries. It's giving me time to evaluate how I'm feeling, but it also kind of sucks because I feel like my body is just in an awkward not quite fat but not quite fit area.
5 years

Introduction/ say hi thread

Hi, I've lurked before. I'm trying to be more honest with what I want for myself and am conflicted about gaining at the moment. Hoping putting myself out there more will help with figuring stuff out
5 years