Are there people who want to get to 1000+ pounds

Oh I'd love to! Not sure if I will ever succeed haha but I love the sound of it.
Would be amazing if we could modify our bodies in the future that would allow for unlimited gaining!
9 months

Everyday life affected by weight gain

I really started to notice some struggles beyond the 300-320lbs mark. I'm 5'6 for reference and right now slightly over 360lbs. I really notice a lot of everyday tasks getting harder to do. Getting up, putting on clothes, walking, taking stairs etc. It all takes a lot more effort now!
9 months

Anyone get excited about knowing you're gonna get told how fat you are?

Oh Yes I love it! It’s such a turn on for me
2 years

How much weight have you gained in 2021?

Gained about 33lbs. Less than 2020 but still happy to keep getting bigger!
2 years

Fat camp

Sounds amazing! I would sign up immediately!
2 years

Fat pig humiliation

Oh yes I love it as well smiley
4 years

Bmi. what's yours?

I passed 35 this week
4 years

Pushers vs. letting goers

I have quite an appetite so letting go for me was enough to gain weight, but since I'm enjoying getting fatter more and more I'm also getting pushed to increase my weight even more and faster
4 years

Stuffing or snacking?

Mostly snacking. I do it all day basically. But of course I do like to stuff myself as well from time to time
4 years

Looking for piggy to tease

Please tease me for how chubby I've been getting smiley
5 years