Question for female feeders

That’s my dream
It's mine too, just on the other side. smiley
4 years

18 yo female wanting feedee

im new to this site and but not to feederism. ive always liked larger people and would love to feed and care for a special someone someday. i like men and women feedees so anybody interested feel free to shoot me a message

I'll be your feedee! I'm in Arlington, TX!
4 years

How can i make my butt fatter and rounder

How does one do that? I've always wanted a bigger ass, but never knew how. Now I'm really curious.

Well the fat in your butt is subcutaneous fat so if you gain more, your butt will get bigger and fatter. If you want to disproportionately increase the amount of subcutaneous fat in your butt compared to the rest of your body, I don't know how to do that.

Dairy(except for ice cream due to high sugar content) is pretty good at making people gain subcutaneous fat. Heavy cream is a popular choice among gainers. Monounsaturated fats like in olive oil and peanut butter are good too. Shea butter is good for keeping visceral fat down.

If you want to keep visceral fat down, I recommend not gaining with or overeating soybean oil, fructose, and alcohol.

I can post the scientific studies I've based this advice off of if you want.
Ah, okay. Thank you! smiley
5 years

How can i make my butt fatter and rounder

Pretty much up to genetics on that one. Sit around a lot while you gain and it can flatten your butt which might look bigger? Won�t be rounder trough. Working out helps, but being on here I�m assuming you want it bigger with fat lol.
Lol, yeah I don't wanna work out at all.
5 years

How can i make my butt fatter and rounder

Just gaining subcutaneous fat should work.

How does one do that? I've always wanted a bigger ass, but never knew how. Now I'm really curious.
5 years