Immobile/almost immobile/ssi benefits

It is not ethical, but they should give those disability payments to obese people.
I am not immobile, but I have a high degree of disability.
No one would give a job to an obese person of 600lbs without a university study.
Most jobs require physical effort and a person with 600 lbs cannot perform those functions.
No one would hire such a fat person and assume the risk of paying in the future the salary of a non-working employee
4 years

Wal-mart grocery shopping

Eat a lot of calories, avoid walking and sleeping after eating.
You'll get fat fast.
The morbidly obese do that.
4 years

Caring for the immobile death feedee

It’s more of a gut feeling. When I meet in person, I am honest from the beginning and watch the reaction and let it happen. They are free to leave whenever, although all have stayed longer then most would expect.

You own their income and their property and if they want to leave they are too obese to get out of bed and not need help. They are your slaves when they decided to gain weight. What kind of freedom is that? I see they have no option to leave and you say that these people are just work. Is this so or am I wrong?
4 years

What’s your dream/fantasy gain?

My dream is achievable. I want to get fat as much as possible, but I do not want to be immobile. I am satisfied with having enough mobility, to enjoy my obesity.
4 years

Do you find the physical limitations of weight gain a turn on or a turn off?

I like physical limitations, they make me feel fatter. The difficulty of getting out of bed alone or entering my car, are the best. I need to work hard to perform these tasks without help. It excites me to know that doing something so normal for people is a fight against my body that I can not win easily.
4 years

Are you the fattest person you personally know?

For my friends, I'm probably the fattest woman they saw with + 540lbs. But I'm not the fattest person I know, my aunt came to weigh 741 lbs. I was not motionless, I could take a few steps. She really enjoyed being fat, but due to health problems caused by obesity, she underwent surgery to lose weight. He died due to cardiac problems entering old age. Today is my inspiration, I want to be equal or fatter than her.
4 years

Young obesity anyone 18+

Some comments are surprising. Very young and so fat. They will need physical and economic help from another person, when they are immobile and in real life, very few people commit to help someone in those conditions.
4 years

What’s it like being 350+ pounds

With 350 lbs I had a completely normal life. With +500 lbs is very different, I'm not immobile, but I have physical difficulties. I can walk, but it is exhausting and I need to sit down to rest. I am not able to climb stairs, but I can climb steps with effort. I can not drive my car, because I do not get into the seat. I need help getting out of bed. I can do it alone but it is difficult, because the bed is low. Having this size can be a nightmare, for a person who is ashamed of their body. You are the center of attention of all the people around you and your comments can be very cruel, and when you are so obese you are exposed all the time to these humiliating situations.
4 years

When do you lose mobility?

How do I avoid immobility? At what point does a person lose mobility? How do those people do to stay active with 600lbs?

I have + 500lbs.
I like to be fat, I love the food and comfort of my sofa and I hate doing any physical effort.
I never stopped getting fat and fattening becomes easier.
My husband tries to talk about this and tell me that he will take care of me, but he introduced me to the fetish and I guess he will keep encouraging me to get fat.
I'm afraid of immobility, I do not want to live in a bed, but I feel like I'm going that way.
5 years
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